2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Lessons can be effective even if not everyone is paying attention.

They can also be better lessons than an alternative.

Youā€™re being sarcastic right

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Thereā€™s some of the usual asymmetrical warfare going on.

The bad guys calling the shots in Israel are actually carrying out forced removals and bombing civilians, and there are published government reports calling for the mass cleansing of all of Gaza.

Supporting that government and the actions is an acceptable mainstream political position.

But people without any meaningful power are attacked for words


Itā€™s a really special kind of western shithead that can look at apartheid and then try to focus study the rallying cry of the oppressed people . Fuck off


Guys if she just used something like free Palestine they wouldnā€™t attack the slogan right right?


Not lifting a finger when Putin annexed Crimea is a more recent example of appeasement.

Edit: My pony was annexed

Lol liberal brain rot, you canā€™t criticize a policy position of the president because team red is the same

He literally said try a primary challenge.

I guess you could argue that way. But like taking South Ossetia as an example, there was really a pretty legit independence movement there, of course ethnically Russian based, but still. The US intervened to help a similar (meaning ethnically-based) independence movement succeed (sort of) in the Kosovo War. So its not clear to me what values we are supposed to be upholding here, are we for ethnic independence movements fracturing sovereign states or against them? And the US did in fact give Georgia aid in the Russo-Georgian war. Did you want boots on the ground?

In Crimea, the invasion resulted in the expulsion of Russia from the G8 plus international sanctions. There was no functional armed force in situ at the time to oppose them. Its easy to call this ā€œappeasementā€ when you dont specify what you wanted done exactly short of declaring war with Russia.

Historical situations are clearer. My pet example is the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Looking back, how hard line should the West have been on this? Did it justify risking nuclear war?

If someone declares they want to conquer large amounts of lebensraum to found a thousand year Reich, then starts invading countries, it does seem like prompt action is warranted. Extrapolation to every single territory grab ever conducted by any country seems dubious.

this is incorrect. the independence movement in Ossetia was by ethnic Ossetians for self governance, similar to chechnya in the 90s, and demographically ossetians vastly outnumber ethnic russians. this is not a case of russian populace wanting to be a part to greater russia. this is a case of russia using the pretense of and subverting an independence struggle to achieve a colonial annexation. again this is similar to chechnya, except on opposite sides of 1991 borders.

you prefaced the question with your pet example of czechoslovakia (1968), which of course is fair to talk about, but also fair to bring it up in context that soviet union already had experience suppressing a revolution like that in hungary 1956, violently killing thousands and kidnapping half a million hungarians, as well as instigating a conflict in the middle east in ā€˜67. the western response to czechoslovakia was insufficient in part because the us embroiled itself with the vietnam war and being in the middle of its own draft, while simultaneously pursuing a longer term detente with the soviets. there are parallels galore.

but i donā€™t think it is applicable to strategy of appeasement as if it led to peaceful outcomes, or letā€™s say less bad outcomes. soviet army continued its military operations during yom kipur war ā€˜73, and invasion of afghanistan in ā€˜79, while also contemplating operations against yugoslavia mid-70s and poland 1980.

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ā€œAnd if 50,000 Palestenian women and children get in the way? Whoopsie-doodle!ā€

Precisely what heā€™s noit saying:
Weā€™ve known since the Suez Crisis in 1956 that the only way to bring an Israeli PM to heel is to threaten to cut off military aid. Bernie is the only lawmaker Iā€™ve heard bring this up recently., and I say good on him.

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Ridiculous headline. The permanent state of violence is caused by the state of Israel taking homes by force and pushing the people of Palestine into a concentration camp. They literally sniped a journalist in 2018. The NY Times is a rag that cheerled the Iraq War and here they are once again complicit in racist narratives against Arabs.

Btw Israel finally published the names of people killed in the Oct 7 attacks and about 2/3 had something like ā€œSergeantā€ preceding them. Almost like Hamas was going after legitimate military targets!