2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

I also haven’t read a detailed breakdown of how many deaths were a result of ground attacks by Hamas vs. Hamas overwhelming the Iron Dome and doing damage with rocket strokes; my sense is most of the fatalities were from the ground attacks on the festival and individual towns, is that accurate?

All of the casualties on oct 7th were murdered in person by hamas terrorists. Not from the rockets.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. Of course countries should have tried to get a ceasefire after 9/11. The response to that event was a cataclysmic moral and democratic failing.

I think the osint tweet is indicating that would have been bad or stupid and we wouldn’t have listened or shouldn’t have listened.

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It’s a coping mechanism

Mr. President, the American people are not with you on this one,” Tlaib said in the video, adding, “We will remember in 2024.

So… they think Trump will handle things better? It’s a two party system folks, maybe try a primary challenge?


From which nothing was learned, apparently.

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The people in power already knew.

We know that is exactly what happened.

Come on. If we have learned one thing from history it’s that the solution to violence is more violence. :crazy_face:

We’ve also learned that appeasement can be bad.

WW2 being the primary example of war has had a terrible impact on the 20th and 21st century.

Imagine if we had skipped WW2 and everyones large war example was WW1. We would be in a much better place, with the primary lesson being the stupidity and futility of war.

Instead we had a cartoonishly evil bad guy that made war seem just, and an attempt at peacemaking which is highlighted as a failure.

Fwiw. I think Chamberlain was right to appease. Definitely the +EV play in slanksky lives.


Plus america would have been a lot weaker comparatively and we may have gotten some left wing movements that weren’t instantly merked by the cia.

If WWI was an effective lesson on the futility of war, WW2 would never have happened.

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Clearly everyone just letting Putin have Crimea satiated his greed and prevented any extra bloodshed.

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WWII gave us the atom bomb which basically raised the stakes and has deterred the next world war, so far.

Yeah there is a reason everyone’s stock warning against the dangers of appeasement is 84 years old now and it’s not even clear that the appeasement made the situation materially worse there. How about some examples of appeasement failing since then? Would the world be better off if the US had taken a more aggressive attitude to the Soviet Union? Anyone got any examples of wars that were rushed into where everyone was like “phew, glad we opted for war immediately”?

You could point to Operation Deliberate Force I guess, thats a reasonable answer.



Yea this is a problem


If one could label attitudes towards Putin with respect to Georgia and Crimea as appeasement, was that a failure that led to the current war?

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