2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Both sides see the other as an existential threat that allows no room for compromise.

Hmm, Hamas was obviously pure evil and as a result all Palestinians deserve to be slaughtered in retaliation for October 7.

Minor plot twist, Israel’s democratically elected leader deliberately empowered Hamas over moderates for 1.5 decades:


I mean yes, even when it comes to crimes against humanity I guess there are levels. The amount of violence it would take to forcibly move 2.4 million people to a desert would still be unspeakably appalling.

Didn’t happen you fucking liar

A story about Netanyahu.


knew that would stir up a shitstorm but I just don’t see how they can get along next to each other ever and there really just doesn’t seem to be any better idea. We just gonna let them all kill each other forever? Border patrol with a giant wall?
Everything else they’ve done it doesn’t work.

So much better to solve the problem by having one side kill the other all at once.

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This wasn’t a problem when the Ottoman Empire was around.

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Well yeah, because they didn’t allow the Jews in.

There was a time when the Ottomans welcomed Jewish immigration, such as after the Jews were expelled from Spain.

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Egypt won’t ever accept taking in the Palestinians from Gaza alone, let alone all of them. They’d also have to contend with a presumably even more aggressive Hamas (who’d still be there in some form and another, and presumably have zero problems with recruitment) inside their own country.

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Yeah, Hamas is aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, and the current Egyptian dictatorship was instituted to dislodge the Muslim Brotherhood.

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Once again this is a fucking lie and you IDF lapdogs just let it sit unchallenged. Ignorant fascism enablers


Yes, just look at all of the replies to that post and how none of them were at all challenging it

Fucking incredible that this incel moron gets posted in this thread like he has any credibility



Maybe the technology just isn’t there, but as relatively tiny as the border is with Gaza, one might think this is the rare case where a wall, whether it’s physical or just drones and fences or whatever, would have been vastly less expensive and possibly more humane than the course of action taken after the terrorist attacks of 10/7.


I know I know, but if we are looking at options between a Palestinian genocide and Israel about facing not only on the visceral outrage of its citizens but also on however many years of being opposed to an equitable two state (or one state) solution, maybe some sort of security architecture that returns to something like pre a 10/7 status quo is worth a passing thought, and if we get there with a moat of sharks with with laser beams…

Like about the only thing that seemed to “work” after 9-11 was more air Marshalls and locked cockpit doors, I’m not holding my breath for a revolution of the human spirit here.