2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza


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25% of adults are not sure, including 35% of women, 38% of blacks, and 40% of Hispanics.

75% of whites say yes vs 48% of blacks.

24% of those age 18-29 say no.

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The Israeli goal of cleansing as much of Area C as possible from Palestinian communities is not a new goal. Area C is just over sixty per cent of the West Bankā€”basically, all of the West Bank outside of the major Palestinian population centers and towns. All of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank are in Area C. The major Palestinian population centers are like holes in Swiss cheese, where the cheese itself is Area C, engulfing everything: the Jordan Valley, the South Hebron Hills, part of the northern West Bank.

These Palestinian communities have been under threat and pressure of military violence and settler violence and whatnot for years already. The legal phrase that describes it is creating a ā€œcoercive environmentā€ so that the Palestinians will leave of their own volitionā€”that they will just eventually, one day, collapse under this ongoing pressure. And this is not new.

What has happened since October 7th is an escalation of this process. The Israeli state, through its settlers, is trying to take advantage of the fact that all eyes are on Gaza and is intensifying dramatically the pressure on Palestinian communities. I would assume from the Israeli perspective this has been a success. Thirteen Palestinian communities have basically fled in horror in the three weeks since October 7th.


And also just to be very clear, everything that Iā€™ve been describing, all of these various mechanisms that the state has been using, are backed by Israeli courts, and backed by the Israeli legal system. This is not some random phenomena that is happening uniquely to a single unlucky community far from the eyes of the state. On the contrary, this is part of an ongoing Israeli state project of trying to push, to cleanse, as many Palestinians out of Area C, using all available state mechanisms in order to accomplish this goal. They refuse to give building permits for Palestinians there. And you should think of what is making the headlines recentlyā€”settler violenceā€”as one of those tools that has been used by the state when other tools, again, from their perspective, havenā€™t proved effective enough


Some readers might think that there is a distinction between potentially ā€œbad settlersā€ and the Israeli state. The question is to what extent is the state effective in handling these ā€œbad settlersā€? This is the wrong way of thinking about it. The uprooting of Palestinian communities all over the West Bank is not a project of the settlers, the bad ones, the good ones, or the other ones. It is a state project. All of these policies have been in place in a variety of ways. There are legal mechanisms that the state has been using to take land from Palestinians and settle Jewish communities on it instead. Itā€™s so cynical, itā€™s really unbelievable. But that is the way things have been unfolding in the West Bank for more than half a century already. There are announcements of new state land. Whoā€™s the state in the West Bank? Itā€™s the Israeli state. So land thatā€™s announced as state land is public land, and then cannot be used for the benefit of the Palestinian population. Itā€™s used by the state for the purpose it wants to advance, which is Jewish settlement, right? And the regime issues building permits for Jewish settlements and issues demolition orders for Palestinian communities.

All of these things that Iā€™ve been describing are official bureaucratic mechanisms backed by government ministries, the Army, the Israeli courts, all of these entities working jointly to achieve the same goal, pushing out Palestinians, taking over their land. When these official mechanisms fail and Palestinian communities show perseverance to stay on the land, then what you have is that other mechanism, the one that tends to make more headlines. You might catch sight of a violent settler torching a Palestinianā€™s field or using weapons provided to the settlers by the Army.


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Fixed your link.

Also, fucking disgusting.

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This feels to me like the start of an attempt to get Netanyahu to leave office peacefully, something that Biden would have no chance of encouraging ing if he hadnā€™t built up the credibility of being a supporter of Israel.

Probably better if Bibi lasts a few months so the populace grows a little less bloodthirsty before a successor is elected

Or he does stuff to appease the bloodthirsty crowd so that his successor can come in with relatively clean hands.

I donā€™t understand why so many people think this is a ā€œpick a sideā€ situation and that to be pro Palestinian people means you are anti Israel or anti Jewish and vice versa.

in war, pick a side or you have absolutely nothing to say should be the rule. Also you are wrong, being pro palestinian means exactly you are anti israel because they are clearly and blatantly against israelā€™s existence. After the attack they slaughtered any civilian they could find, they cheered everywhere flying the flag for it. If you are pro that side, thatā€™s exactly what you are supporting.

I get it, the response is too far for some people but if Iā€™m Israel my position is that never happens again and hamas is just gonna hide among civilians because thatā€™s what theyā€™re all smart enough to do and theyā€™re not giving hamas time for obvious reasons. Yes this really sucks but I think itā€™s pretty clear they canā€™t live near each other and I canā€™t think of a better solution other than someone moves.


Advocating for de-escalation of military confrontation is default diplomacy. Itā€™s theoretically the basis of global international cooperation, the UN, etc.



Ethnic cleansing, you mean. I oppose the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, ergo I am against the existence of Israel.

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Is that post not satire? I thought it was satire :neutral_face:

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This is the argument used to justify indefinite detention at Guantanamo and Muslim bans.

Ethnic cleansing where people are still alive in a different location seems preferable to genocide where people stay where they are and die. Itā€™s possible that things have been allowed to deteriorate that no better realistic solution exists.