2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

I’m probably going to have some inaccuracies here, but I think the general gist is correct.

Words have multiple meanings. Jew refers to both a believer in Judaism and an ethnicity. Members of the Jewish ethnic group have remained apart, keeping their religion and not being assimilated through inter-marriage over the years, both because of Jewish religious law opposed mixed marriages and because non-Jews didn’t want mixed marriages with Jews either, so those Russian and American Jews that you mention have maintained a Jewish cultural and ethnic identity through out the years.

The Jews had several revolts against the Roman Empire. The last, the Bar Kochba revolt, led to many Jews being killed, enslaved, or expelled from the region. Plus, many others voluntarily fled. As Jews dispersed throughout the world, they faced different levels of tolerance, being outright expelled from some countries, such as Spain. Through it all, they maintained a common identity because they kept their religion and were never accepted as equals. The term “ghetto” comes from the part of Venice where Jews were segregated.

Even before the Holocaust, there was a Zionist movement looking to immigrate to the Palestine region, then part of the Ottoman Empire, to find a haven from worldwide antisemitism. The Holocaust led Jews around the world to embrace the idea of Zionism as the creation of a safe space for Jews where they would not be a persecuted minority.


Have you considered reading about the topics?


not sure if it will be repeated in western media, there are a couple other places within russia that had what ru language reports called “pogroms”, but the text didn’t actually describe assaults or violence. one being-constructed jewish center was set on fire.


What’s the status of wikileaks now? How trustworthy are they?

Since the Palestinians aren’t getting back that land in the north that will likely become some kind of security buffer zone, their only options are to jam into less land in the south or move someplace where they can have more productive lives. Since my Hebrew is beyond rusty, I can’t tell if the graphic mentions what magical inducements would be given to Egypt to accept all of these Palestinian refugees.

It’s pretty much a no go. If you’re Egypt, bringing in Palestinians are going to cause a huge amount of trouble. They’re going to be intensely pissed off, basically relocating Hamas or whatever comes next after Hamas to Egypt, which then they’d have to crack down on. Not to mention what letting in hundreds of thousands to a million people into your small country who are pissed off at the country next door along with whatever latent animosity the local population has would do for the domestic politics.

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Egypt is not a small country by any measurement though. Agree with the rest of your post though.

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I feel like people aren’t even hearing what other people are saying anything. They’re just on the hunt for key words that can’t be said.

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A lot of people desperately need for the simple narrative to be true, even if it’s wrong. The easiest way to do this is to shout down any dissent.

My understanding is that that ministry doesn’t have any real power and is just there to satiate the right wingers so the document is really just the hopes of the far right, not necessarily a plan of action

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Post war peacekeeping forces being considered include US lead and Arab lead. Israel seems open to the possibility of an Arab from 5 countries that have signed peace treaties.

And on the other hand, without a gun, they can’t get none
But don’t let it be a black and a white one
‘Cause they’ll slam ya down to the street top
Black police showin’ out for the white cop

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