2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

I’m not proposing people should be forced to live together. I’m saying they shouldn’t be expelled/murdered.

“these people”

What’s your plan for the ~300,0000 Muslims currently living in Jerusalem? Forcibly evict them? Mass slaughter? Let’s not even get started with how you’re going to partition the US.



Unless you force some sort of more permanent solution on people, it’s likely that the you’ll have a cycle of Israel oppressing Palestinians, Palestinians lashing out, and Israel “mowing the grass” until the Palestinians win outright or there’s no grass left. The history of pre-statehood Mandatory Palestine makes me incredibly pessimistic about the possibility of a multi-ethnic solution.

My plan is simply to forcibly evict Israeli settlers in the West Bank and encourage Gazans to fill in those spaces. Israel pays reparations to Palestinians. Muslims in Israel proper can do whatever they want. A Gazan exclave is untenable for a two-state solution. Consolidate the Palestinians into a contiguous territory, then work towards statehood (which I would not grant instantly).

Let’s not kid ourselves, no one is ever getting compensated. The people being removed always lose their property, even when the US was just temporarily relocating Japanese-Americans, they still lost their businesses and farms.

Reparations are a more realistic idea than multi-ethnic harmony in the Middle East.

Huh? You realize that lots of Poles were working with the Nazis to help identify and captures their Jewish neighbors, who unlike Hamas, had never kidnapped or slaughtered their Polish neighbors.

History is also full of multi-ethnic societies that only led to bloodshed and full scale war.

I think the majority of Israeli Arabs recognize Israel’s right to exist, which lends credence to Yuv’s one state solution.

White Men Draw Straight Lines would be an excellent documentary title


The hard divisions of ethnicity were as much creations of colonialism as the geographical divisions.

Dividing Africa differently geographically would not have changed a single thing.

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I’m so glad you are okay.

I mostly want to keep my mouth shut on this. I don’t know enough to have an opinion and I have a brain injury that makes it hard for me to put together things that seem basic to other people. The main way I found a language to talk to people since childhood is pivoting off books and movies and stories.

The story that hits me is the Rwandan genocide. It’s been told in several books and movies, most notably Hotel Rwanda with Don Cheadle, and again in Sometimes in April with Idris Elba from the POV of someone being held on trial for their part in the genocide.

I’m just trying to grasp what this must be like for you actually being there. I have been through shit so awful that I will have Dissociative Identity Disorder for the rest of my life, and yet when I think of what’s happening to you, I just feel how awful it is beyond reason even for survivors.

I don’t need a response or anything. I am just glad you are still here.


Freeze peach.

They were threatened with death for not reporting and rewarded for reporting. There were also undercover nazis posing as jews and if you didn’t report you were killed.

Guy’s like “I’ve got to get back in the news somehow”

That may be, but it’s pretty clear that the arc of history is bending toward inclusive, multi-ethnic societies eating everyone else’s lunch. They’re naturally better at commerce, industry, culture, and so on. Ethno-nationalism is a dumb last-century idea that never worked at all, like six-armed Grimace.

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Is this the love child of Goro from Mortal Kombat and Tinky Winky from Teletubbies?

Some people have priorities higher than eating other people’s lunches.

Multi ethnic societies do fine under a strong central power, eg, Rome. The problem is when you have competitive societies next door to one another who can use differences in religion or ethnicity as an excuse to inflame persistent conflict. Russia has done mostly fine preventing religious and ethnic conflict because the central state will come in and kill you.

Here’s hoping that those in Israel responsible for this genocide face a trial :pray:

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Russia has not done fine at reducing ethnic conflict.

Europe, not a strong state, has

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