2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Yeah, you’d have to decide Ukraine is the same ethnicity for that to be close to true.

Should Israel adopt the Ottoman Empire’s millet system?

Reading all those comments it seems unlikely that we will see each others as fellow humans one day in the future.

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I’m mainly referring to the broad array of “internal” ethnicities (190 according to wiki, which seems high) Russia has conquered or “incorporated” over the last 500 years. Ethnic groups in Russia - Wikipedia.

While there are ethnic conflicts in Russia, they are generally fairly limited because it isn’t a realistic option with a strong central state.

Just a model society, those enlightened Russians with their strong central government. If only Israel was more like them


I understand why it’s not even mentioned, because there is no obvious solution, but the bedrock problem is religion and its connection to ethnicity.


That wiki does suggest that none of the individual non-slav ethnic groups were ever above around 3% of the population and the slavs themselves were always around 80%. It seems different from a lot of the ethnic based conflicts I can think of raw numbers wise. The ethnic minorities are not that small (at least off the top of my head I’m sure I’m missing some massively obvious example)

I honestly think it has more to do with territory and nationalism than religion. Like if you wiped religion off the board they’d still continue fighting each other.

Now maybe but the long history that led to today is nearly 100% religion.

Its becauase human beings have always been a pos species and everything else just diverting the blame.

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I dunno. I think throughout history it’s always been a complicated mix of things. I see it like the Northern Ireland situation, where the religious differences are intertwined with issues of culture, sovereignty, economics, etc. And we see that Catholics and Protestants co-exist peacefully elsewhere in the world.

Regarding Russia, in 2023 it just seems like an example of an empire running itself aground trying to do ethnic cleansing in Chechnya, Crimea, and elsewhere. The woke Western powers are shredding are shredding the Red Army with surplus weapons from the 90’s.

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i can think of one partition which is so far seem as peaceful and effective, and that is Czechoslovakia. i would have to read up on what their history is, maybe our czech resident can explain if there were any territory disputes and whether they were resolved.

ultimately people exaggerate their connection to land and conflate it with all sorts of things, like freedom, ethnicity and religion. sometimes rightly and often wrongly. in reality we have very few clues about where we come from, the gene pool is irreversibly mixed, and every square mile has been forcibly taken many times over.

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The ethnonationalism of Eastern Europe is absurdly complex–like many many books on each subgroup of each country–but one common thread through many of them is self-interested politicians scapegoating ethnic minorities. Same deal happened in East Africa (both with Rwanda and the Tutsi genocide, Uganda and other countries and Indian minorities, and even in South Africa today across various racial lines).

But it’s not impossible to go the other direction. Bosnia/Hercegovina basically had a Palestine-lite situation going on with the Republika Srpska in the 1990s. Now, besides the alphabet changing, you’d never know which side of the imaginary fence you’re on.

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looks like Biden is publicly accusing the Palestinians of inflating their death numbers… pretty awful way by him to try and justify the “price of war”.

I have no problem with this:


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you dont see that as downplaying genocide at all?. we definitely have different views of that then.

there’s no reason to even mention that you dont trust the death count than to downplay the atrocities. it’s the whole point of that statement.

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The “price of waging war” part is pretty awful if you ask me. As if the death toll is unavoidable when it’s a result of this given strategy (bomb everything).


What the Israelis have done so far is not genocide.

I think that excessive civilian collateral damage isn’t the same as genocide.

Biden is maintaining credibility to make a difference on the margins like turning the water back on or allowing humanitarian aid.

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No, it’s just to make clear that we don’t trust anything being put out by desperate mass murderers facing annihilation.