2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

But what about all the good that ethno-nationalism caused? Both sides!

The theroy pushed is that “we need to bomb them away” to prepare the ground for invasion.

Theres some retired psycho racist idf general that became the guru of this operation because he was screaming for years that hamas gonna do something like that. He became the darling of the Fox news type channel and Bibi is consulting with him a lot apparently. He is also pushing for a prolonged aerial attack.

Biggest rocket attack i can remember here. Must have been over 20 on my city. I was at a public park. Had to run to the public bomb shelter. Luckily my kids and wife were already in the shelter cause they turned it into a play area for the neighborhood


Respectfully, what the fuck are you talking about? Millions of lives were uprooted. It was a disaster for both nations.

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50 years after 1923 turkey and greece conflict spilled into a territorial dispute in cyprus, complete with occupation displacement and coups. it continues today

Sounds like a swell guy.

Jesus. Did any get through?

yeah, 3 hits in the surronding area but nothing too close. They cancelled school tomorrow so after 5 weeks off (2.5 weeks holiday + 2.5 week war) my kids went to school for 1 day and now it’s off again. I guess i’ll never sleep.

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It sounds like not doing it would have led to more death.

I can’t think of anything but can we edit the title to something better than “Thanks Biden”

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Surely it should be last one in first one out?

Just… no. Ethnic cleansing is not a solution. There was no real problem to be solved in the first place.The big take-home lesson from the last century is that forcing ethnic groups you don’t like out of your country leads to absolutely horrifying consequences for everyone.

Africa is full of horrific civil wars due to different ethnicities thrown together because white men draw straight lines.

There are problems that need solving and it’s not unreasonable to think ethnic cleansing might be better than genocide.

Who knows what India’s sub continent would look today without the partition. Maybe a beautiful functioning multi religious multi cultural heaven or maybe 75 years of bloodshed. It’s not as simple as that.


Ethnic Greeks living in Turkey wasn’t actually a “problem” for people that needed to be solved. Muslims living in Greece and Jews living in Poland were not problems that needed to be solved through genocide or forced repatriation.

I don’t know the first thing about the India Pakistan crisis, but I’m pretty sure the solution is not to force Hindus into one ethnostate and force the Muslims into another ethnostate. My neighbor with the car alarm that goes off several times every afternoon? That guy should be deported. In this one case, violence is appropriate. People who own car alarms in 2023 should be relocated to Montana.


this was the solution though. you saying we all need to get along which is true but it doesn’t always happen.

You could look at Yugoslavia and say the take-home lesson is not to force different ethnicities to live under one state because of some arbitrary geopolitical forces.

Hard to say anything, sounds absolutely horrible.

Your choices are ethnic cleansing or war that only ends when one side completely kills the other. Pick one. There might be another way, but I deny the notion that there has to be another way.

Anyways, I’m for a negotiated population swap, which I think is different from unilateral forced relocation. Yes, there will be holdouts that you may have to coerce, but I’m fine with using the threat of violence to coerce them.

Horseshit, an obviously false dichotomy. History is full of multi-ethnic societies that work, and the last 100 years are proof that what you’re proposing is terrible.

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They’re not though. You seem to be lacking a lot of information about what happened in the last 100 years. If anything they proved that forcing different ethnicities under the same state doesn’t work.

I’m not advocating for anything btw. If anything (again) here, in terms of the I/P conflict, you are advocating against a Palestinian state, which is basically a (justified) demand for ethnic cleansing.

Like in the bigger picture I agree with you. I think uprooting people from their homes is almost always a bad idea which is why a two-state solution can’t work with over 500k settlers. But i don’t think that’s the consensus at all, especially not in the US.

I don’t believe a multi-ethnic society is possible for these people, in this location, within this historical context.

I am convinced that Israel has to function as a Jewish homeland. Can you design a multi-ethnic society where that core function will be protected even if Arabs become a majority?