2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

They’re holding a press conference surrounded by the bodies in the bombing?

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fucking ridiculous


That’s worse than the idea of lying and saying it was a Hamas rocket


The hospital strike has been great for Hamas from a PR perspective.


At some point, they have to be running out of stuff to bomb.



Not just the US embassy apparently.


And some video of traffic heading towards the US Embassy in Beirut. Could just be normal traffic for all I know.

Google maps confirming some traffic

Right. First I heard I just instinctively felt like this was an Israeli strike but I’m going to stick my neck out and say I now think it was a rocket fired from inside the Gaza strip that was either intercepted or malfunctioned. I think the moment was captured on Al Jazeera Arabic. Here’s a video of the moment:


If you want you can still find this on their live stream here:

Just scroll back on the timeline to 18.59 pm. You see a rocket launched from the strip fly into the air, falter and break apart. Below where it breaks apart you see a huge explosion that causes a large fire. The channel continues to intermittently film this fire for the next half an hour +. We see an increasing procession of ambulances and emergency vehicles drive to and from the stricken location. At 19.35 we get the first images and reports from inside the hospital.

Geoconfirmed claim to have determined that the explosion took place at the hospital. They seem to have some rep (their stuff has been used in broadsheets etc).



Some of the people on Twitter talking about what damage rockets can and cannot do sound like 9/11 Truthers.

well, the front page of A.J. says it was Israel

I received like endless amount of “information” about it being Hamas rocket malfunction but I’m not even gonna bother sharing it. Everything will be vague videos and plausible at best analysis.

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Yeah I don’t know. Like this all seems plausible except for the bit where the explosion levelled a hospital and killed hundreds of people. Palestinian rockets have never done that kind of damage before. It’s one of those classic situations where all the options seem low-probability: either a misfired rocket destroyed a whole major building (which coincidentally had, like most hospitals in the region, previously been ordered to evacuate by the IDF), or the misfired rocket just happened to coincide with an airstrike.

I know absolutely nothing about the various ways an explosion like that could happen. If I had to bet right now I’d bet on the misfired rocket explanation, but I have very low confidence.


Either way this is a colossal mistake by Israel. Even if you look past (for a second) the horrible human loss and immorality of it –

If we really didn’t fire that (and it should be very easy for Israel to ‘know’ it, the hospital is in the middle of Gaza. If we shot at the area during that time we’d know) then Netanyahu should have been on every TV screen yelling in his fancy English how Hamas committed a despicable war crime against its own people.

If we did it by mistake, that’s a colossal mistake that cost Israel the little (or not so little compared to previous operations) legitimation they had from the western world.

If we did it on purpose, well not only is it a war crime of Sabra and Shatila porportions, but also extremely dumb tactically. Why the fuck would Israel do it now, even if its purpose is genocide.

And I’m not discrediting any of the 3 options.


Yeah, you’ve even got the director of the hospital surrounded by bodies essentially saying Israel warned us, bombed us before and did this one too. My problem is that I can’t seem to square what is being reported with what I seem to have seen with my own eyes - ie a malfunctioning/intercepted rocket followed by a large explosion and fire and then an hour of ever increasing numbers of emergency vehicles attending what is clearly a major incident.

I agree that it’s definitely fishy, I wouldn’t believe it if it hadn’t seemingly happened live on air. Like the rocket falls apart and then there’s this huge explosion below it and the timeline seems to match up.

Plus Netanyahu’s PR guy initially acknowledging Israel bombing the hospital as if it was no biggie because Hamas was there, according to him.

Regardless of how it happened, makes plain that Israel is operating like this w/ regard to killing civilians:


In the video, the time between the rocket blowing up and the explosion on the ground is about 8 seconds. I’m a little skeptical since that seems a little short. So I did the math and estimated the height it must have been at if it took 8 seconds to reach the ground.

Under no-air resistance, it would be about 314 m (1030 ft). If we include air resistance, a large steel ball would be 308 m (1011 ft), a skydiver 251 m (823 ft), and a golf ball 184 m (604 ft).

I’m not going to speculate how high the rocket was because I’m terrible at judging distances. If you were to ask me how long is a football field I’d have no clue and just guess some nice round number like, I don’t know, 100 yards?