2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Quite possibly done with a bombed supplied by the US.

Seems like experts should be able to determine whether that was a failed rocket launch or an aerial attack?

Assuming that’s even from the attack, Twitter is awash with all kinds of fake videos.

lol, my twitter feed literally has one Serious Expert who is quite certain that’s what a JDAM from an F-16 looks like, and the very next post is a different Very Serious Expert who insists it doesn’t look at all like a JDAM strike and it must be a Hamas rocket. No one even knows where this video came from. Twtitter is wildly enshittified more than it’s ever been before.

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Feels like we are in a tv show

I’ve made the personal decision to opt out of sharing any videos or claims of information at this point, other than reported by major news sources, as I simply don’t believe there is a reliable way to verify accuracy.


Yeah, I decided to delete it. There is just too much misinformation getting spread around on social media.


Yeah this makes the most sense. Had a friend ask me if I have been following along and I said “as much as possible. There is so much disinformation all over its hard to tell which direction is up. Not sure when Ill be fully confident that the news we are receiving about this will be solid truth.”


Video geo verified by the Washington post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/17/israel-hamas-war-news-gaza/#link-UVNAJKOHXRFCNC2Z4IPFMCIL54

Doesn’t really show much though.

Fuck I really hope Israel didn’t do this by mistake.

Is that possible? I thought their rockets were incredibly precise

they were warning everyone to evacuate the hospitals 3 days ago so this doesn’t seem like a mistake at all


If they did this on purpose, they’re as bad as Hamas, period.

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Drop hundreds of bombs on a city and some of them are bound to miss.


Ya this idea of a perfectly precise war is just fiction to gain support. It doesn’t exist.

And also it was 6000 bombs in just the first 6 days:

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They already were before this imo

Edit: the govt warmongers I mean, not Israelis

Hard to call anyone worse than people who slaughter youths at a hippie festival. They might win because of sheer scale.

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Well if the Hamas guy said it then that’s that, I guess.



The al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City — where authorities suspect an airstrike killed hundreds of people Tuesday — is owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, said Eileen Spencer, head of the American fundraising arm for the diocese.

Spencer said the hospital is Gaza’s only independent, Christian-led medical facility.