2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

I’m shocked to hear that Hamas is involving civilians in their military operations

Well that explains them getting out of there alive.

IDF claims that the other 3 hostages were held in Abdallah Aljamal’s house. A journalist who published in Al Jazeera and the Washington based ngo Palestinian Chronicle.

A Palestinian human right organization posted earlier today that the IDF forces broke to the Journalist and his Father’s, an MD, house via a ladder during the raid.

Of course IDF claims are far from guarantees to say the least




These are pretty major public departures in the state dept. The mass dissent within the state department has also been widely reported on, and I don’t think the news reports every single lower resignation. Early on there were tons of reports of people being quietly replaced that dissented from the US course of action. Search results are also a little unreliable these days on these sorts of topics, for reasons I believe are related to what I outlined in my original post (a state sponsored AI-fueled mass misiniformation campaign regarding israel/gaza war for the proud non-readers). I will admit my “entire state dept” was a bit hyperbole and done for dramatic effect, but my salient point was that I do not think you will find many supporting voices in the last 6 months within the state department about this, and a whole lot of publicly documented despair about it.

I would challenge anyone to tell me why the current course of actions the US has taken here is good for Biden, the United States, its allies, or the middle east region. For funsies we can just pretend all the dead kids (which is surely underreported) doesn’t matter and any ends justify the means.

I suspect that this is a rather one sided account, but I can’t check the Hebrew sources


I’m sure if you post this at Slow Pony the group over there will say it doesn’t go far enough.

Can we please not poke the bear like this? It’s been peaceful around here lately.

Please stop.

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Tone of the article: It’s refreshing and peaceful to protest Israel on a campus with almost no Jews, in a country which is openly hostile to Israel.



Thats not what he said at all. He said the reports about the good conditions they got before his time were true. Now the prisons are too crowded therefore he wants them executed.

He said terrorists ruled the prisons and did whatever they want before his time

Ben Gvir is a jew supremacist facist but the translation is wrong

I’ll delete it. I read the Google translate of the post and understood it how you’re saying, but skimmed over the quote tweet too fast and assumed it was saying the same thing.

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Not that anyone outside Israel should care, but that post was part of a blame war between Ben Gvir, the prison guard l, Shin Bet and Netanyahu over who ordered/okayed the release of the Shifa Hospital manager.

No one seems to care of course that he wasnt charged with anything

Is it significant to anyone else that the Houthis droned Tel Aviv on Friday, and Israel responded with air strikes on a Yemeni port city?

I have concerns that hostilities could be expanding into a wider conflict throughout the region.

Not today, no.

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This is a banned account on this site. I made this account months (years?) ago just to send a PM, which I never even did, and dont have any intention of continuing to post on this forum.


I had a quick question I wanted to get Yuv’s opinion on. Maybe this is wrong, but I view him as a knowledgable “Zionist” leftist, so I wanted to get an opinion coming from this direction.

Anyways, it seems most Western leftists take it for granted that Palestinians generally want a peaceful 2 state solution along 1967 borders; so if we can just will it into happening and force Israel to abandon settlements everything will slide into place.

However, it isn’t obvious to me that this is actually true. Based on my understanding/interpretation of their words and actions, it isn’t obvious to me that any Palestinian leadership (from 1948 to today) actually views this as an acceptable resolution, and it seems the Palestinian people themselves generally dont either.

And although I view myself as more knowledgeable than the average Western leftist (who couldn’t name the river or the sea they are chanting about), I admit I am not super knowledgeable, so wanted to get a more knowledgeable opinion.

That is all.

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One of my Jewish, shitlib friends from high school just posted a F U to Bibi on Facebook.

Support may be crumbling.
