2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza




This is insane. It’s like Abu Grahib, except worse, and the jailors rioted when called on it, and protestors and politicians supported them.

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Somehow doesn’t seem that bad compared to bbqing kids in school bombings or whatever. The guy lived and maybe his peepee lived.

Just imagine how bad things are here that the IDF are the “good” guys in the story. They tried to prosecute some soldiers for sticking thing up detainees anuses and a bunch of Jan 6ers type people including several MKs from the coalition thought that was a good reason to break into a military base and a court martial.

Oh and the Israeli Police, headed by Itamar Ben Gvir, a literal Nazi, arrested exactly 0 people.

That’s the part that terrifies me. These far right nutjobs are literally in a genocidal rage right now. They don’t give a shit what the outside world thinks of them and they and their ilk seem to be close to taking over the whole country.


It feels like how the most psycho wing of the GOP controls the party.

Israel killed this guy in Beirut in response to the Golan bombing the other day which was in response to something which was in response to something.

Fml anyhow. I didnt even get any of the 5 million

Didn’t realize we were quite at the “it’s fine to rape prisoners” stage of fascism.

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The chesspain stage

An Israeli raid in Tehran?

Just some prisoners

It’s top new in Germany too. And if tv series like “Tehran” are to be believed, the Mossad operates in Iran at will anyway.

I know we’re a bit desensitized to sensationalist war news,

But am I the only one at least a little worried that air strikes in Beirut, and an assassination within Iran,

could be a bad thing, and lead to a widening regional conflict?

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Yea it feels bad

Markets as a whole are certainly in a flight to safety pattern.

I’m not sure what it says about the interpretation of the situation over there that there wasn’t really a reaction to the assassinations but was a big reaction when the Iran Supreme Leader vowed retaliation against Israel.


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us just advised all citizens to leave lebanon immediately, something about to pop off.

edit: “official warning”, which is usually really accurate. hezbollah gonna strike back for killing their guy, israel gonna respond by killing palestinian children.

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guy does make me laugh sometimes :man_shrugging:t3: