2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Of course they are, no one is saying they aren’t. However, do you think Trump is going to be more empathetic to the residents of Gaza if he is elected? Unfortunately, the best chance for any kind of positive resolution is in another Biden administration. How is that not blindingly obvious?

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“we deserve Trump” is not the same as “Trump will be better on this issue”

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So what is the next step here? “We deserve Trump” so I’m going to vote for him because I don’t like our current policies. Then what?

Oh, right. The Palestinians deserve Trump, too.

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“We deserve Trump” is just people letting off steam. I don’t think anyone should take it personally.

We are all screaming on the inside down deep.


Right, “we deserve Trump” is posted weekly on this forum

Taking that one line out of that post and then misinterpreting it for the sake of criticizing it is a lazy dunk attempt

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Oh I have many issues with this current administration and the current Democrat power establishment that absolutely no one here wants to hear me rant about. I am not a one issue voter and am quite well informed, thanks.

If refusing to cast my meaningless symbolic vote to a candidate because this is one red line I won’t personally cross, than call me dumb or an idiot or whatever. I’ll gladly wear it. History won’t be kind to your ilk. People like you have great interest in maintaining this horrible status quo, so I get the reaction. But please don’t say shitty things to people who are tired of it for very valid reasons, thanks.

No one read a single word of the article linked either, it appears. I don’t know what me, as random joe voter, am supposed to make out of all this. the polling is bad. the messaging is bad. like, if you want to tell me biden’s entire state dept quitting over this, international community outrage going into an election he may very well lose because of this is a good thing, be my guest. Delusion can be comforting sometimes. Maybe you think orange man bad will carry you into everlasting mediocrity, but people have the memory of goldfish and also don’t pay attention to anything outside their own little sphere. and unfortunately this is dominating the attention cycle and also looks fucking terrible.

Anyway the real point of my original post is that AI has accelerated misinformation and propaganda to a tipping point with this conflict at the center, israel is definitely involved, and we are probably cooperating. Hope that helps clarify.

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Are you implying you would act differently if you had a meaningful, non-symbolic vote between Biden and Trump?

The situation is constantly on the back of my mind. All the blood in the ME on American hands makes it hard to know how to feel or act.

I try to use the anguish to motivate myself to find more ways to help the homeless since that is the most direct analog for the average American.


People here criticize the Biden admin. I think the mistake you are making, which is very, very common on the internet these days, is that you don’t want to engage in the complexity of answering the question “so what?” People just want to say “X is good” or “Y is bad” and be praised for observing that X is good or Y is bad. But then they get mad if someone asks “so what?” instead of just heaping praise on the poster for their brilliant insights. Internet “stan” culture has completely warped people’s minds so that if someone asks what the implications are of an observation then the person acts personally attacked. You are not a victim if someone points out to you that your trite ideas are trite.


How many people in the state department have resigned? I’m looking, but am I missing something? I’m sure there are some more, but I’m only finding 2 people.

Eta: found a third

Eta: found a Reuters story from May 31st which takes about resignations generally and had those 3 only (plus 5 from outside the state department).

I knew this didn’t mean some large percentage of the 80000 people at the state department resigned, but I was expecting something dramatic like 200 people or some group of 20 or something doing it together.

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Can’t be much more than 3 chads running the state department I’d assume

I’m not sure what you mean, but the state department has mostly sucked at least going back to WW2 where it was a huge struggle to get them to oppose the Nazis and they did block almost all Holocaust refugees. Cordell Hull was awful. And Dulles, Kissinger, Haig, Schultz, Baker, Albright, Rice, Clinton…a real rogues gallery.

Oh, please tell me what to engage in. I will engage as deep as you want me to. I assure you, I am not making this mistake.

I mean I don’t feel any obligation to link any of the plethora of resignations in the beginning of this conflict or the specific statement they made in protest of what was going on, because I trust you can operate the surely unbiased google search on your own, but this is just in the last week


It’s right there in the post you responded to. “So what?” You make an observation, other than wanting people to congratulate you for it, what else do you think should happen?

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I guess I’m not understanding which one of my trite ideas here was trite, as you explain, and rather not an attempt at a smug driveby dunk attempt like you’ve done here? Cleary, this is a communication issue. I suggest you keep up with the conversation here. I have done my best to explain my viewpoint without insulting others like you have here. Have a good day!

edit: sorry i think I get it now. you think criticizing the biden admin is trite because others here do it. I don’t really care what other people here think, these are my own viewpoints. to me it’s sad you frame this kind of discussion into “us vs them” rather than thinking for yourself, but what do I know, I have been labeled as “dumb.”

That usually means the dosing still needs to be adjusted.

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Totally normal for a mental health professional to continue to insult the mental health of other posters. Thank god we got rid of those terrible captains, though

Oddly enough you were better when you were just claiming everyone was a Nazi