2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza




The claps are just his little ladybugs

Aww well, at least the US gave it the old college try


Uh, the trucks arriving by land are getting assaulted by random hooligans and having their supplies robbed and destroyed.

Red line worthless if Israel can “accidentally” kill as many Palestinians as they want

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Has there ever been a foreign policy “red line” that was enforced? They always just seem to be a public realations play, not actual policy.

Wookie is happy about it

Not big enough scale!

Sure, 16k kids have been killed - but not at once!

shocked pikachu

4 more years! :partying_face: 4 more years! :partying_face:


The one I remember was Assad using chemical weapons after one attack killed several hundred. Obama requested Congress authorize airstrikes. While that was playing out, Russia brokered a deal for Assad to surrender his weapons instead. A ship full of the stuff was hauled away, but further attacks over the years occurred.

Most of the time when a President declares a red line, either the adversary doesn’t fuck around or a consequence other than war is imposed.




Surely polling data from a warzone controlled by Hamas where the IDF is killing journalists left and right is something we should take with a grain of salt.

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How do you feel about polling data from the West Bank?

non paywall link

Basically this is the result of a few findings recently, one being that ChatGPT banned some accounts tied to misinformation campaigns related to Israel. Israel has been clearly engaged in an active misinformation campaign targeting US politicians and voters. I believe this is being done with active US cooperation, but I cannot prove this yet. I do believe this will come out eventually.

I want to preface this post by saying I hold absolutely no opinion about this conflict vis a vis which side is “right” other than it’s extremely complicated with a long history 99% of people weighing in have zero idea about (including me) and that there is zero reason we should be sending weapons or be an ally to a country actively engaged in genocide against what is largely a population of minors, because certain people around this community really love to cast unfair and spurious accusations as to the motives of people speaking out against this stuff. I also believe that morally and ethically I cannot cast my vote for a candidate that at best turns a blind eye to these things, and at worse is actively complicit in the genocide of tens of thousands of literal children.

Disclaimer done. I’ve been in the trenches fighting numerous misinformation campaigns now, relating to the ukraine war and the 2016 election (was less involved in 2020) and this is one of the craziest I have ever seen. It’s been extremely obvious from the beginning - Israeli politicians on twitter saying one thing and all of a sudden an army of very obvious bots all over social media parroting nearly verbatim what is being said by israeli politicians. Shadowbanning and downranking of users from nearly every major platform by google, meta, etc. that even mentioned anything vaguely in support of gaza, no matter how benign, while pro israel posts got mostly left alone, even when it was obvious misinformation.

I do not feel I need to belabor or argue this point any further. It is quite obvious now, but wasn’t so much in the beginning unless you were playing close attention. This is all boring to me and has been done before and much more effectively by the russians and chinese govt. I do find it ironically hilarious that all the fuss over tiktok by our government over “foreign intervention” is being had right now when there’s a clear case of it before our eyes, but I won’t even broach that topic because it makes me too angry. also probably not a coincidence that tiktok was one of the only social media platforms not actively engaged in suppressing pro palestine posts, but I’ll digress.

What’s really infuriating is that this is so sloppy. I cannot fathom the reasoning behind some of this, politically, domestically, foreign policy, whatever. For israel, this seems so incompetent it seems to be done on purpose. You’re only going to fuel far right anti semitic conspiracy theories while simultaneously igniting the young/left voters against you. It seems to me US involvement in the region only heightens the chance of all out regional war, not even to mention what a disaster politically this is for biden. What is the end goal for the united states/biden here? I cannot think of one. It seems pure self ownage to me, to the point where if I put on the delusional 4D chess biden admin hat that a lot of users here like to wear, and I was also extremely cynical, I’d wager it’s an attempt to align the “far” left (who keep in mind in this case are mostly people saying “please stop killing children with our tax dollars”) with anti semites in an attempt to kill the movement by discrediting them, and we do see large platforms taking that approach towards content moderation.

It’s all pretty damning and we all deserve a Trump win this year. We got exactly what we asked for. I suspect “leftists” will be blamed like they always are, rather than the people actually in power. It is all extremely sad and infuriating to me to see otherwise intelligent people completely toss critical thought aside when discussing this topic, but I guess this country’s been there for a while already.

This is the dumbest thing I’ve read on UP in a long time. One issue voters are the absolute fucking worst.


This is a great example of how removed all of us are from the hell that people around the globe have to live through.

The people in power that allow a genocide to take place are clearly much worse than someone who decides not to vote in an election because of a single issue.