2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza


Probably Trump’s Secretary of State.

Serious question, what would it look like if one side was almost entirely at fault? What events would you expect to have transpired differently.

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If its indeed a serious question one easy timeline to imagine is if the 1993-1995 Palestinian suicide bombing and uprising against the peace treaty never happening. Support for the Oslo accords in Israel would have been much higher. Two state solution would have been far more feasible with way under 100k settlers in the WB.

A “cold” sustainable peace similar to what Israel has with Egypt and Jordan.

Right, you would expect a subjugated people to never take any meaningful measures to resist their subjugation. That definitely tracks with other similar historical dynamics.

Because you like visuals so much and for the benefit of other that you know aren’t going to be aware, here is the map envisioned by the Oslo accords:

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There is no possible fair minded way to read Yuv’s as him arguing he would expect them to never fight back. You are just strawmaning in the worst way possible. You asked for a specific example of a historical contingency and he gave you one.

That’s not what I asked for

But on your first point, tell me how they “fight back” in a way that avoids the “incredibly complex” both sides stuff. Any examples?

They could have agreed to the Oslo accords or to the Camp David summit of 2000. That would make the incredibly complex issue simple?

Naturally you would correctly argue that Palestinians had their reasons to object both offers, even though they would have ended with a Palestinian country. Your whole point here seems to be that I/P conflict isn’t complex though, so we can’t have these nuances. Seems clear then that one side proposed a solution to the conflict and the other refused

The Unpunished: How Extremists Took Over Israel https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/magazine/israel-west-bank-settler-violence-impunity.html?unlocked_article_code=1.sU0.NH6o.G6TIPPPgnWUd




simple math tells you each dead palestinian 10-year-old equals 50 isreali lives saved

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The famous OOT thread in reverse




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200w (3)

The three sources familiar with the matter told CNN that a senior Egyptian intelligence official named Ahmed Abdel Khalek was responsible for making the changes. Abdel Khalek is a senior deputy to the Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamel, who has been Burns’ counterpart in leading Egypt’s mediation in the ceasefire talks.

One source familiar with the negotiations said Abdel Khalek told the Israelis one thing and Hamas another. More of Hamas’ demands were inserted into the original framework that Israel had tacitly agreed to in order to secure Hamas’ approval, the source said. But the other mediators were not informed; nor, critically, were the Israelis.