2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

X-posting from the Biden thread. I don’t think it’s news to anyone, but interesting that they’re saying it and maybe shifting their approach

This is actually what I’ve predicted Israel would do if the US cut off all aid.


That’s what they’ve been doing anyway with their targeting.


They have to at least pretend they’re trying to minimize collateral damage to appease some members of the war cabinet and international allies. Without more precise bombs from the US, they can claim they need to raise the acceptable ratio of civilian to Hamas casualties to be effective.

But we should also scoff at the sweet summer children who think the war would end if Biden would just put his foot down and tell Israel to stop.

Tali Gottlieb is Israel in the same way that Marjorie Taylor Greene is US.


A perfect representation of ~half the electorate?


Maybe, but not quite the decision maker

If only there was a third alternative to actively supporting and half heartedly condemning.




I wonder what secret treats papa Biden has cooking up for us next!

Some videos from yesterday protest to bring back the hostages.

First one is an elderly couple whos daughter, husband and 3 grandsons murdered on Oct 7th.

The second is the sister of a hostage in Gaza

Both getting beat up by the cops. Itamar Ben Gvir, a proud fascist, is the minister in charge of the police. He is also growing immensely in support in the polls each week :frowning:


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Currently polling at 1/6th of the Parliament seats. He was far off the overton window before Bibi realized he needs him to survive politically.

What do you think the results would be if they had elections next month?

I can only go by the polls i dont think i have a better read than that. Seems likely Gantz will have the biggest party but will struggle to form a coalition without including the Arab parties and they wont join and/or wont be accepted by Liberman.



The UN General Asssembly passed a resolution declaring that “the State of Palestine is qualified for membership in the United Nations”. While the US, UK and Canada abstained, Australia voted Yes. We have always abstained from basically everything in the past and would generally like the issue to go away, so I think this represents a slight shifting in Australia’s position, at least rhetorically. It should be noted that the center-left Labor Party, roughly the equivalent of the Democrats, are in power at the moment and this vote was criticized by current and former members of the center-right Coalition.

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Oh no, military prison is bad. How are the conditions for the hostages?