2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

I might be. I’m not averse to a lot of shitlib stuff. You might be a fascist.


Good call, let’s also add getting bad haircuts to chesspain’s master list of anti-semitism

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Reports of tanks in Rafah :(

Can you all lay off of Dr Chesspain, he is clearly having a rough go at it right now, show him some grace.

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People under 30 lived almost their entire life post the Second Intifada. Israel has pretty much refused to accept any Palestinian leadership since and the idea of “no partner” was embedded with the people.

Thats the reason I always say Ehud Barak, who is the sworn enemy of Israel’s RW actually did more harm than anyone else to the peace process

Great deal for Israel there!

i am not saying that, but that calculation did take place in countries that were at war with ussr, eg finland. US/UK did several big favors to the ussr through the 20s-30s including humanitarian aid several times and legitimatizing it internationally. but the only way they could ally was out of necessity and shear desperation.

Churchill wasn’t having it, but if Germany would have just gone East and not invaded France, attacked the UK or allied with Japan, things might have gone a lot different. Same could be said I guess if they just went West and never attacked the USSR.


Jesus fucking christ


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This is a profound bastardization of world war 2 history

The original article.

Always amazed at business brain that’s missing the part that asks, “does this sound reviling to anyone that isn’t sitting in the boardroom with me?”



The Biden administration’s report on whether Israel has violated U.S. and international humanitarian law during the war in Gaza has been delayed indefinitely, three Senate aides and a House aide told POLITICO.

Ah well, nevertheless.

Only hope that this is some kind of trade to limit the damage of the current offensive.


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