2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Nitpicking aside, I think the point was that Netanyahu is a massive dick who’s FOS.


yeah the post-soviet psyche is going to have trouble processing it all, but it needs to be repeated. ussr/stalin was a major hitler enabler and ally right up until the launch of operation barbarossa, and they had their own internal cleansing campaigns that killed as many as the holocaust

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“As many as the holocaust”?!?!

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That’s not true for Jews, but as a Jew who has seen Fiddler on the Roof multiple times and had family that fled Russia, them coming to the aid of Jews didn’t sound right.

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Fiddler on the Roof is a fantastic movie imo. Brilliant. I saw it once where Norman Jewison spoke afterwards. Funny story…The producers definitely thought he was Jewish before the first interview. He’s not.

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yeah, red terror in the 20s maybe killed a million. collectivization famines caused upto 10m deaths. the great purge in '37 caused another million. then there were multiple forced relocations, killing tens or hundreds of thousands each (some included in the great purge others not). uprisings in various regions that were all put down by force. then there was the construction of some ill-fated canals, dams, and railroads that used forced labor and was the demise of many. you add all those things up, pretty soon the totals become several holocausts.



Going to guess all of these ceasefires are tentative and Israel is going to find some way to dismiss them and the US is going to throw up their hands and be like ‘what can you do?’.

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Hamas didnt agree to any deal until now. Jumping to already blaming Israel for not accepting it is problematic, although of course its in the realm of possibilities.

Also a question of what deal they agreed to exactly. The more freed hostages it includes the greater the pressure inside Israel on Netanyahu to accept going to be.

I wouldn’t blame Israel for not accepting any tentative agreement yet, but my cynical view is that Bibi and Israel in general is going to want to throw a wrench into any negotiations. Maybe something might be acceptable to them, but who knows?

Wrote what you meant to say.

Ultimately, what Hamas wants is immaterial.

Calling huehue an antisemite is ridiculous. People doing that are stripping the word of any meaning. Before Trump made the tiki torchers confident enough to march, the standard gentile liberal didn’t believe there was antisemitism in the US. And thanks to people saying every criticism of Israel is antisemitism, they’ll go back to thinking that.



How’s your new “accidental” Nazi haircut?

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I was thinking more of the post 9/11 blood and fury jingoism that overwhelmed US policy, rather than some generic component.

Maybe we disagree on the phrase “Israel in general.”

Certainly sounds like he’s talking about the majority of Israeli Jews wanting any excuse to flatten Gaza and everyone in it.

Are you saying the Soviets were worse and it would have been more utilitarian to ally with the Nazis to end the USSR than the other way around?

So good of you to decide for others what is and is not offensive.

You may be just a shitlib after all.