2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Oh I’m sure they are. I’m also sure that would cause their brain to melt. I’d love to hear what they think of that as well.

Well, on 2p2 I’ve been called a “jew”, so yeah.

Letting billionaires fund political campaigns is a sacred right in our Citizens United era, so Fox News must hate free speech if they have a problem with Soros throwing his money at student groups.

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Is there any evidence that Soros is funding the protests? Im not yet ready to accept the premise.

He’s not. What they’re actually talking about is how a few protesters have some kind of Grant from some kind of organization that gets some kind of funding that gets some kind of funding that came from the open society foundation. Did some grant that the open society foundation gave some distant organization in 2017 end up buying a bag of Doritos for someone at the protest? That is how spurious this accusation is.


Right wingers think the Columbia encampment having mostly the same tent is proof that Soros is funding it instead of maybe that being the cheapest tent available on Amazon.

I do think Biden is in a bind where going too hard against Israel will lead to IDF being less discriminate in their killing and more casualties, so he’s stuck working around the edges and hoping the impetus for change comes from within Israel.


Don’t know and don’t care. Every billionaire is influencing American politics, if Soros wants to buy tents and pizzas for protestors, that seems cool and legal?

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It’s always projection too. Right wing groups in Israel always say that Soros or however the current villain is (Ehud Barak is a popular one) is funding this and that protests. Then someone publishes the rw groups funding and it’s all evangelist billionaires.

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Israel put out a ceasefire deal of sorts which Hamas is currently considering. My semi educated guess is that if it’s rejected Israel will enter Rafah next week.

Details are vague but the deal supposedly includes releasing 30ish hostages for ‘sustained quiet’, with additional hostages released as the ceasefire prolongs. Also a large number of Palestinians prisoners to be released.

(edit - technically it’s not an Israeli deal but an Egyptian one and Israel hasn’t officially accepted it, but it wouldn’t be out there if they haven’t)

Maybe Biden should direct the CIA to support an Israeli coup.



Can’t wait for Netanyahu show up and tell everyone to vote Republican and Schumer just nods along


Nah, gotta save their energy for the important stuff, like South American socialists

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Israel shut down Al-Jazeera channel and raided their Jerusalem offices which of course will bring immediate peace and prosperity to the region.






Netanyahu : no nation came to our aid

20 million russian soldiers :


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The Russians allied with the Nazis to invade Poland and then they fought back when the Nazis double-crossed and invaded them. Yes, they helped defeat the Nazis, but I wouldn’t characterize it as coming to the aid of Jews.