2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

People still call them clips. “He just unloaded his entire clip into that mutherfucker.” They were clips in ww2 era. Now texhnically mags but the lingo still lingers - even in movies.

That seems outdated because I don’t think they do permits anymore in Texas.

It’s legal to drink and drive in Texas

There’s a very well organized campaign in Israel by the right/far-right to put the blame of Oct 7th solely on the IDF command.
As strange as it might sound, the top of the IDF ranks has been controlled or dominated heavily by center-left elite of sorts. Mostly containing religious commanders with settler background to colonel rank.

Even before Oct 7th but mostly after the right has been blasting the army generals with being soft, defensive minded and guilty of leading the former “conception”. An undefined term that they are pumping to describe everything that is bad.

Anyhow, if they are successful we might see a far worse version of the IDF in the near future.

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Minister Ben Gvir - “Why are there so many detainees? Can’t we kill some? You want to tell me they are all surrendering? What are we going to do with so many detainees. It’s dangerous for our soldiers”

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi - “Dangerous to who? Anyone who comes out with their hands up we do not shoot. If they fight us we shoot. There’s no dilemma here. Anyone who surrenders we arrest”.

Actual conversation in the security cabinet


Great humanity we have here

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while the quote is from earlier in the week, this literally happened a few hours ago:


Sadly though

“Ben Gvir’s office says the minister is in good condition and conscious”.


One of the benefits of being gods chosen people i guess.

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Any of you people here know who Charles Whitman is?

None of you dumbasses know…

This piece is ludicrous. The Israel-Palestine issue is one of the few issues where there is strong and measurable leftward movement in the Democratic Party, which is why the article contains nothing but armchair vibe assessments from Twitter’s most annoying man and no data whatsoever. Even prior to the war in Gaza, Democrats were trending more anti-Israel in their views:

This trend was briefly reversed after the Oct 7 massacre, but quickly re-established itself in the face of Israel’s response. This is from November:

A Quinnipiac University poll released this week found that, among Democratic voters, 41 percent surveyed said their sympathies lie with the Palestinians, while 34 percent said they were more sympathetic to the Israelis, and 25 percent were undecided.

It’s a dramatic shift from just last month. About 48 percent of Democrats said in Quinnipiac’s Oct. 17 poll that they were more sympathetic to Israel, and 22 percent said the Palestinians, after Hamas’s deadly Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israelis.

This trend is driven by young people. In people under 30, those who have a positive view of the Israeli people are now in the minority. Note that this is Americans in general, not Democrats:


I particularly enjoyed the part where he simultaneously argued that the protests are unworkable because they are centered around violent struggle against Israel, but also because their demands are too milquetoast and ineffective. He then accused protestors of “economic illiteracy” for wanting the university to divest from companies associated with Israeli weapons sales. If it were just an economic issue, obviously universities would simply comply with these demands, but they won’t do this because doing it involves taking a public symbolic stance against Israel. Hey… maybe that’s why students want them to do it? Nah, couldn’t be that, it’s probably that they are under the impression this will bankrupt the Boeing Corporation. Also if BDS is ineffective, how come 37 US states have passed anti-BDS laws? Like I don’t think this is hard to understand, but it must be a real head-scratcher for Noah. Just a lot of economic illiteracy I guess.

In summary, I can’t believe you pay to read this dunce’s opinions.


Pretty good article, worth a read

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I’m only going off vibes, but it does feel like there’s been a sea change in public sentiment toward Israel and Palestine. At no point in my college career could these kinds of protests been conceivable.

I feel like these protests could have happened at my undergrad school (to an extent, it’s pretty mellow and there aren’t current protests). I expect there will be basically no protests in a month depending on Rafah.

They won’t be able to self sustain because Israel being bad is not enough to induce support for Hamas, which will inevitably reassert control over Gaza. Protest movements are most effective when there’s a good guy and a bad guy, and the only good guys in Gaza are the civilians. Also, there’s no serous long term solution favored by Hamas that neutral parties can support.




Who’s the super secret puppet master the New York Post has found behind the anti Israel protests?


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How do they square that with him being Jewish? I’m sure it makes no sense, but I still want to hear it.

The squaring aspect is the same squaring a lot of conservative international leaders have made; a tacit agreement with Israeli nationalists that local left wing Jews are fine with being targeted with anti Semitism as long as those conservative leaders can get an imprimatur from Israel nationalists. Then it’s not anti Semitism, it can’t be, they like Israel, don’t you know? See Orban.

On the one hand, yeah, there are people who say Soros was literally a Nazi collaborator despite being Jewish, but…you say that like Jews can’t be involved in these protests, including organizing them and that’s wrong. There are a lot of Jews involved at these protests. At some of these schools I bet there are more Jews than any white non-Muslims involved in them.

They view those Jews the way we view Clarence Thomas.