2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

It isn’t cosplay unless you get all the accessories just right.

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Don’t post this on right wing sites. They will be quick to point out those are mags not clips. Chessmate

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Some interestingly shaped people in this photo.

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F/M/K left to right, but i’m not proud of it.

I’ve got K K K



In Soviet Columbia, protesters are totalitarian



@Yuv I’m just curious, if there was a vote in Israel that asked if Israel should eliminate all of Palestine by any means necessary, what do you think would be the yes:no ratio?

Watching CNBC Squwak and Joe is trying desperately to get the Patriots owner to second his motion that tanks should be driven over the protesters

“I’m just here to plug the Tom Brady roast”


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Yeah, this is right. Although fatboy might be the better M option (we take good care of our partners out of gratitude)

We can all agree three spare clips guy is dreamy af

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See that is dishonest reporting, it’s just the one guy who picked three extra mags for his loadout, others maybe only have 30-60 rounds?

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Rookie numbers


it’s texas, man. an open carry state. that trooper is more afraid of the students than they are of him.

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Surely campus has policies against carrying weapons? Not that this would stop a would-be assailant.

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seems like carry was allowed by abbott in 2015

My expectations were incredibly low, and yet Texas easily flies under them.
