2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

lol buffalo must be defended at all costs

We probably went through Buffalo when we burnt down the whitehouse and we’re still standing.

Did anyone ask her what would happen if Israel attacked Buffalo?

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What if it wasn’t Canada, but just a small group of Buffalo-hating Canadians. Do we need to kill them all then?


Well if any Canadian did it, it means all Canadians supported it, and therefore they should all be murdered



While there are extremist voices in Israel that would want want you say I think the vast majority of Israelis would be fine living side by side with Palestine if it was an actual peace.

agreed, but unless the govt changes then it doesnt matter as palestinian oppression will continue and any resistance by gaza gets 10x the response from israel.

and i like skydiver generally, no issues there and i’m sure her heart is in the right place, we just dont agree

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This could have been avoided if politicians would just say they want a ceasefire vs a rehearsed speech that didn’t answer the question directly.


this. dont try to say it’s nuanced, or debate the term “ceasefire”. just say “I do not support the US funding this.” and stop voting to fund it.

Maybe they just don’t want to be assassinated by Mossad.

Mossad capabilities are way overrated

I mean, yeah, they can’t even tell you which hospital Hams is using as a base.

Thats actually not under Mossad jurisdiction. Thats IDF and Shin Bet

I think this is a little simplistic. Direct US aid to Israel is small in GDP terms, that is true, but Israel benefits from being under the US security umbrella. A good analogy would be Taiwan, which receives significantly less US military aid, but nobody would argue this tells the whole story.

I feel like they did a good job with Epstein. Very good bang for buck on that one, literally.

It’s not like I’m saying US support is not important, just that Israel isn’t automatically overrun without it. Taiwan is different because China is different than Hezbollah and Iran. (Though invading Taiwan will just never be easy to accomplish for anyone.)




Thousands of new housing settlements? From the guys that just want to go home if Palestinians would just leave them alone!

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He passed away overnight.