2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

This turned from a discussion about the discourse to the discourse itself, and I think we have a thread for that.

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Wait wait wait…you do know how many rockets have been fired into Israel yearly before this, don’t you?

Why does the Iron Dome even exist?

Palestinians should be out under a UN Trusteeship so they can attack someone other than Israel when they want to agitate for independence.

If you can’t joke about genocide, then what can you joke about?

Very good point. Let’s move it to that thread.

of course and i think everyone agrees on that, but i think in response to skydivers last post that israel thinks that they should be free from hamas violence while still allowing theirs to go forward, and if that isnt the case then they are free to do whatever they want to gaza.

Yes skydiver I’m aware, both sides have been doing things for a long time but it seems to me like israel wants to continue doing the things they want to do and just not have the blowback from those things and if they get blowback then they think they should be able to do what they’re doing now

and yes im fine with moving to palestine thread

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This is sort of true but the reason it happened is our primary system gives extremely outsized power to whackjobs who have been harnessed by social media

LC thread: 150 new posts

Israel/Palestine thread: 3 new posts

Me: hmm let’s see what’s going on in the LC thread



TIL that hockey, basketball and football were all invented in Canada.

But Death Cribbage and Strip Botticelli were both invented in the good ol’ USofA.

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Basketball was invented in the US by a Canadian.

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I need much more information on death cribbage

I’d have a former opponent explain it to you, but of course they’re all dead.


Cribbage? Been playing since I was 6. Nobody ever died.

Goddamn, LC thread popping off tonight.

I appreciated the discussion from everyone. Seriously.


I remember that she has big Klob Energy when dealing with her staff. Anyone know if substantiated? I kind of wonder if pretty much all politicians above a certain level are all doing that to some extent?

If the choice is between genocide without rockets and no genocide with rockets, the answer is the latter, and it’s not close.

Please rethink that comment. I know you aren’t antisemitic, but surely you can see how it could come across that way?

I think we must be speaking at cross purposes.

Because you clearly think that your position is obviously right and fairly uncontroversial, and I think the same. Given we generally seem pretty square from a moral perspective I’m going to assume we must be missing something.

To clarify my position.

I believe that what Israel is doing in Gaza meets the criteria of genocide.

I believe that any position that explicitly or implicitly indicates that there’s any conditionality or negotiation required before stopping genocide is morally abhorrent.

Calling for an end to genocide or a ceasefire should not be conditional on anything that Hamas does.


To add, and recognising it’s not at the same level. I lived in London during the period it faced terrorist attacks.

If someone had said “we can stop these terrorists attacks on your trains and busses but we need to commit atrocities against children” the answer would have been equally clear then.

What am I missing?

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