2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS



More like Bob Bad, amirite?


This douche used to be my Rep. I think i went to HS with some of his relatives.

Periodic reminder Biggsā€™ greastest achievement is winning a $10M sweepstakes. Lol at his gambling metaphors.

Andy Biggs: I urge you to stop betting on the cum


I canā€™t imagine having to sit through this nonsense in person. I know that Katie Porter has kind of theatrically sat with a book, but do people covertly listen to podcasts or anything?

Iā€™m more surprised that thing that was shilled on TV all the time in that era actually paid out and LOL at it going to that guy.

ā€œI want my MTVā€
God Iā€™m old.

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Biggs: ā€œItā€™s unbelievable!ā€

Any idea when the vote is going down? Any potential for several rounds?

I think each side got 30 minutes. Thatā€™s almost gone but idk if vote will follow immediately.

So she supports McCarthy because he came to their weddings and funerals? In Germany that would be borderline corruption.

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I remember a photo of john mccain playing poker on his phone in the chamber. He was asked about it and said something like, ā€œyeah itā€™s hella boring in thereā€

Farty percent energy costs?

This is good content for Spooktober - just ghoul after ghoul getting up to speak.

Oh shit, the first time in farty years?

ā€¦replacing the military with crack headsā€¦? :vince1:

ā€œOh boo all you want!ā€ This is fun! :transmet_smiley:

Gaetz is actually a pretty good debater. It might be a low bar given the opposition heā€™s against, but heā€™s done a good job responding and showing how dumb their points are. Highlights for me were his fund raising response and then responding to the parts about how McCarthy is such a great person because he calls people on their birthdays.


Roll call vote by surname! Just like January. Extending the humiliation.

What does yay or nay mean in this case?