2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

Yes - vacate chair (oust)
No - keep McCarthy

This is better than the Eurovision song contest! :popcorn:


Are we supposed to keep our own tally on this?

Thank you

Theres only like 5 to really pay attention to, right?

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Very irritating that the running tally doesn’t split by Dem/Rep

Currently 18 yes, 21 no

What did Boebert say beside the No?

Ma’am I think

Apparently McCarthy’s plan after he loses this vote is to have his people put his name up over and over until something gives.

The house may not do any business this month.

Where are you watching? My stream has nothing.

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I just realized, the guy running things tried to give it to the Nays sans vote didnt he?

Looked like that to me, too.

I can’t believe I’m watching this, and I say that as someone who watched the entire first GOP debate.


Of course, totally standard for a McCarthy loyalist to be in the chair for this. (In any event, the noes were louder!)

5 Republicans (as of Gaetz) have now voted yes, apparently.

Thats it then. I think 5 was the magic number.

Unless it was Gaetz + 5

Good just voted yes. I think six was the magic number, and that’s ballgame.

So he is gone?