2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

So many leopards eating so many faces. It’s glorious.

Will never happen but man would this be satisfying.

nobody can stand him, a smart guy without morals

you know he’s bad when a member of congress is like dude fuck this guy he has no morals

What makes you think he is smart?

think it’s a reference to the quote in the Heinrich tweet above

Gaetz could easily be the republicans 2028 presidential nominee (assuming biden wins and we still have elections)

“Smart” in today’s GOP means “no one’s ever been an asshole enough to try it this way”


Sounds like Gaetz is backing down. :frowning:


Heard someone remark yesterday that if he doesn’t seek to vacate it means that he has fewer than five people behind him.

He finally gets a chance to put up or shut up and he will do neither.

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Wondering if Ukraine $ got left out just because if Ron Paul in the senate and not wanting government to close or if this is going to be some kind of bargaining chip moving forward.

Seemed like the main reason is the the House has the votes for Ukraine aid straight up, but not if it’s included in the CR. The last Ukraine bill had about 60% of House Rs and the vast majority of Ds supporting.

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getting a nauseating suspicion this is kayfabe

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Gaetz is up before the ethics committee. He feels cornered and is lashing out. He could be expelled. I’ve never heard anyone claim he doesn’t genuinely hate McCarthy.

nobody in congress wants to set a precedent of people being removed for ethic violations

Read his dad is coming out of retirement to run for FL legislature or something to prep for Matt’s campaign for governor. That could be his exit plan whether or not he manages to take McCarthy down.