2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

I think Texas is getting even more of our deplorables than Florida.

He’s a mealy-mouthed weasel. Not a uniter.

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This is also part of the mythology for red states vs. blue states. People have lazy perceptions that are overly influenced by election maps and political horse-race style commentary. It wouldn’t occur to them that redneck farmers in California also hate all the same people they do.

Mitt also has something to say, for what little that’s worth.



In a way, it’s kind of remarkable to me that they’re able to do even more damage to the country post Trump. Democrats couldn’t be more impotent and weak if they tried




If he wins, “Boy Meets Congress” has to be the headline lock of the year.


wow, i thought he had gotten me too’ed but i guess that is someone else. what a relief.

You’re thinking of Fred Savage of The Wonder Years, I believe.

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Would people actually notice? Most of the noticeable stuff is done at the state and local level.

I’m cheering for Ben!

Do you think people would notice if they fucked around with student loans that are dealt with via the Department of Education?

Hence, most of the stuff…

Owning the libs now comes with a soundtrack [eta: “the bill” is the DC criminal code reform law that the house and senate have now voted to block]


Government, USA style.
wtf is the world coming to…?


MTG’s office is where woke maps go to die.


She never played Risk


In todays GOP being a complete moron is the highest virtue one can attain. Intellect is the ultimate sin.


This is why a natural dumbass, who doesn’t understand anything and just shoots from his hip is always going to win a primary against actors like Cruz and Lil Ronnie.

It’s one of the mysteries of the world why verysmart media types think MJT comes off poorly in statements like that: she becomes MORE popular the more they signal boost it.

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