2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS



Clarence Thomas has made a nice run for the crown, but George Santos continues to have some of the most interesting financial disclosure filings in the game.


“Between January 1 and March 31, Santos’s campaign received $5,333 in individual contributions, but spent $8,353 in refunds to individual donors, according to his campaign finance report filed with the Federal Election Commission.”

“The FEC filing indicates the refunds were the Santos campaign’s only disbursements during that three-month period, with no operating expenditures or staff expenses listed. There were also no loan repayments listed, despite the committee owing $715,000 in [loans] reveal were made by Santos from personal funds.”



Thats insane. Who would possibly give him money at this point?

How the fuck is he not in jail LOL LAW

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McCarthy’s choice was always going to come down to him or the debt ceiling/economy. He might not see it, but either way he ends up out as speaker.

McCarthy said the bill, called the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023, would save American taxpayers more than $4.5 trillion by limiting discretionary spending, retrieving unspent pandemic-related funds, eliminating Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan and cutting funds earmarked for the Internal Revenue Service.

Sounds brain-dead

What a waste of fucking time lol think of the poor dudes who had to type that out, a bill with no chance of being passed in the senate or not being vetoed. Cool jobs bros.

Legit thought McCarthy had a mullet in this thumbnail.


The only way this ends is with all Dems and like 5 republicans, and with lol McCarthy out as speaker.


I’d rather default.

And here’s one of the Republicans they need


He’s republican.

Dems will capitulate on like 90% of this.

Seems more likely that they capitulate on zero.

I’m willing to bet they don’t. Dems have won the last two government shut-downs and don’t think anything would be different this time.



Mo Bidens Mo Problems