2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS


This guy took the phrase “fake it till you make it” a little too literally.

Im with you. I cant drink normal soda, but diet coke is delicious

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Really Santos just had the commitment to grift the right that so many of us have dreamed about but had too much shame to go for. Gotta tip your cap.




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Mother of god.


More deets in this thread.

Yeah, these guys are geniuses. Plato, Aristotle, Socrates? Morons.

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you can’t stock soda in my experience. it ends up going flat after awhile.

34 minutes into the Daily Wire CEO’s response video. He pulls a literal obamayoudidntbuildthat.wav.

The absolute hypocricy of these fuckers and how much money the grift actually brings in makes me feel physically ill.


Yea that’s why people who might seem to know better do the right wing grift. If you’re someone on the fence about the left but not a rabid right wing psychopath and you make videos and find that the right wing grift videos are pulling in thousands to millions of dollars of course you’d be pulling the Crowder, Dave Rubin, and Tim Pool schick. You’d be a millionaire for some pretty easy work.

Yeah, the contract basicslly outlines 12.5 million/yr for 6 HOURS A WEEK work.

Thats stupid money

How much of that is even left after taxes?


Yeah but there’s prepwork of at least an hour a day!



The quality of the production will be as good or better than his currently existing content

Who the hell is the arbiter on that one?

I mean, if it comes down to it, a jury.

It’s probably the type of claim you make if he’s essentially not doing a show but is still uploading some form of content.

so the crazy members of the house are pushing this 30% VAT tax and i guess the first slate of talking points are out on twitter in the comments that it’s not actually 30% but 23% and if you say 30% you’re a lying dem and you must be lying about other things!..

and the math involved to make it a 23% tax is that if an item is 100dollars originally, it will now be 130 dollars, and the 30 dollar change is only 23% of the new total of 130 dollars, so it’s a 23% tax…