2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

That can’t actually be saying that, so I’m going to assume they really are.

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And if it’s just a 23% tax its gonna be 23$ on a 100$, which is actually just an 18.7% tax! If you repeat this long enough, there won’t be any taxes and we’ll all be rich!


Dems should run on 0 income tax and 0% (eventually) VAT.

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Yup,totally believable and credible McCarthy said this. Worst McCarthy ever?

I mean it’s a really tight race between Kevin, Joseph, and Mike (especially after those 4th quarter punts the other night).

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Jenny deserves an “honorable” mention in this group.

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It’s the fucking Fair Tax. It’s clown shit nonsense that’s been talked about/laughed at for at least 20 years. Neal Boortz was pushing that nonsense on his radio show a long time ago. Go read up on it and have a good laugh

Among the group’s proposals: raising the age of eligibility to 67 from 65, which would align with the full retirement age for Social Security. Additionally, Parts A, B and D would be consolidated into a single plan with one premium, and direct competition would be encouraged from Advantage Plans with that federal plan. There also would be premium subsidies available, depending on a person’s income.


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But I agreed to shovel money into those because I’d be able to get it back at 59.5 years old, that’s not fair.

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For example:

In September 2020, George Santos’ congressional campaign reported that Victoria and Jonathan Regor had each contributed $2,800—the maximum amount—to his first bid for a House seat. Their listed address was 45 New Mexico Street in Jackson Township, New Jersey.

A search of various databases reveals no one in the United States named Victoria or Jonathan Regor. Moreover, there is nobody by any name living at 45 New Mexico Street in Jackson. That address doesn’t exist. There is a New Mexico Street in Jackson, but the numbers end in the 20s, according to Google Maps and a resident of the street.

lol moron. Doesn’t he know there are PACs for this type of shit? Probably still won’t get prosecuted, just impeached or another slap on the wrist.

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Hunter investigation stuff go here?


I can’t think of a single thing on earth I care less about than hunter.
