2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

It does. I stocked up early-pandemic with a huge order and forgot some in the basement. It tasted terrible when I tried it (I think it was about 2 years old).

well mosdef is technically correct (the best kind) in that you probably wonā€™t get sick from it, even if it tastes like Trumpā€™s ass.

Anecdotally my (unsubstantiated) understanding is that cans of soda last virtually forever because the can is practically a hermitically sealed environment. I supposed with significant temperature changes the pressure in the can could change and somehow mess with the carbonation. I have heard (donā€™t know if itā€™s true) that plastic bottles are actually faintly porous to gases so a soda left in a plastic bottle for years will degrade. I donā€™t know how much of this is accurate, but I read it on the internet so we must assume it is true until someone else proves it is false.


Iā€™ve confirmed true by thinking about it


i feel like sunlight plays a factor in everything bottled vs canned as well. although i know nothing about the exact science involved.

Itā€™s not that complicated. The demons in the sun light attack the thetans in the soda, but demons canā€™t pass through metal.


I know bacteria canā€™t live in sugar so that helps as well.

Artificial sweeteners will break down over time and make your diet sodas taste terrible.

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That could be right - these were bottles. Also diet so could be the issue Wookie pointed out.

Is the timeline 1 second after its added?

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Three months before the attacks, Devolder filed a request with the U.S. Consulate in Rio for a replacement green card, saying hers had been stolen after she returned to Brazil in June 1999. The situation was apparently not resolved, and another application was filed in early 2003. At that point, she stated that she had not been in the United States since 1999.


at this point chances are that itā€™s not even his mother. the press keeps trying to establish a consensus factual origin for his story, but itā€™ll turn out to be a lot more lies than truth.

George Santos once dated Lennay Kekua.


Iā€™m ready for him to be revealed as a parthenogenetic being.

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Yeah, Iā€™ve had this happen before. We do have some other sodas around for guests that we donā€™t really drink ourselves. However, I always taste test it if Iā€™m planning on serving it. Once you get past about 6 months on diet soda, you can notice a difference. And at 12 months it is normally undrinkable.

Yeah, pretty much this. Itā€™s not that it just gets flat (that happens too), but in addition to the loss of carbonation, it has this extremely unpleasant, bitter taste (with diet soda especially, donā€™t really notice it much with regular). I suspect it is for the reason that Wookie mentioned above.

Once you get used to the taste in general diet sodas taste pretty good and knowing youā€™re not sucking down 140 calories per can is an added benefit.


I only drink diet ginger ale. Since the two supermarkets in walking distance donā€™t carry it, I make a special trip to a third supermarket once a month, where I buy 8+ 2L bottles at a time.

Iā€™d do that too but I havenā€™t seen it anywhere here. Costco only has the sugary kind. I make do with Fresca if I feel like something carbonated.

I like drinking basic club soda instead of artificially sweetened soft drinks.

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