2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

sodastream is actually not a bad kitchen appliance if you consume that much of it. or just go ahead and get a co2 regulator and a tap to have it on demand (eg kegerator). or just buy $3 per pint seltzer at your local craft brewery (union only) and forego any feelings about inflation.

:woman_shrugging: consumer habits are weird

I wanna be like Jean Smart in Hacks and have a restaurant-style soda fountain in my kitchen

Drink Big K.

Thatā€™s why whenever the brands my wife likes are on sale, Iā€™ll pretty much buy out the entire store - up to like 20 6-packs (yes, she drinks a lot of diet soda). I feel a bit bad for the other people that now canā€™t get any and often get weird looks or questions when checking out, but the savings add up fast given the sales price is often at least half off.

Well, yeah, and people can just not eat eggs or buy this, that, or the other thing, but thatā€™s not the point.

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I have yet to find one that adds as much carbonation as you can get in store-bought mineral water.

well yes, thatā€™s my point, i was pointing out how for one consumer eggs were a lesser deal than soda.

the point is that prices fluctuate quite a bit on several but not all categories of your consumption. you canā€™t focus on the items that are experiencing highest ā€œinflationā€ at the moment, although you can change your habits slightly, from having less of something, or making it yourself, or paying more (!) to encourage more production of the thing you want. there are aggregate numbers that say that on average the consumer is fine, even if they are inconvenienced by having to adjust what they spend on.

Yeah, but maybe she lied. Did you think of that?


I thought he already clarified that he is Jew-ish, not Jewish?

I must be the exception here. My inner miser is so strong that Iā€™d sooner drink my own urine than pay $9 for a 12 pack (well, not literally, but you get the point). I just wait for sales and stock up. I definitely GAF about the ones I like to drink.

This guy gets it. Although 20 6-packs is still minor league.

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Yeah, he did. But is he even Jew-ish at this point?

canā€™t wait for him to clarify Hollow-coast.


My explanation is simplified ofcā€”whether youā€™re willing to jump through hoops is another factor besides preference. Thatā€™s the basic idea of coupons: customers who are willing to actually clip coupons are more price sensitive.

Same principle: price discrimination. Itā€˜s a huge factor in consumer and producer behavior. Same reason appetizers and cocktails are so expensive at restaurants, first class costs 5x what coach does, etc.

I saw a dude outside Costco today with one of those pallet carts loaded up with ginger ale. I thought of you guys.


Glad you cleared that up!

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What are expiration dates typically like on soda? Get that youā€™re a heavy soda drinker, but damn.

I dont think soda expires.


Carbonated soft drinks or sodas are not perishable, and are safe past the date stamped on the container. Eventually flavor and carbonation will decrease. For best quality, consume unopened diet sodas within 3 months after the date expires; regular sodas within 9 months.

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I hate having to grab any kind of packaged liquids when Iā€™m shopping because it makes carrying everything to the car a pain. Luckily Iā€™m not a soda or carbonated water drinker so it isnā€™t a problem very often.