2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

Yeah soda has been rough for a while. I used to pass on anything more than $4/12 pack. I’ve only recently been willing to pay $5 or more.

Lol at soda haters

I saw it for buy 4, get each for $3.99 at Kroger recently and the shelves were nearly wiped out.

I think it’s actually the aluminum…2L bottles are still decently priced.

Even those have gone up a lot I feel like, like a dollar?

Yeah, this is very real. I drink way too much of it, so I’m acutely aware of the price.

That seems like the standard price. I never pay that; I just stock up when they go on sale. But even the sale price can be high and my drink of choice is not always stocked (caffeine-free diet coke) Hard to get below $5 per 12 pack these days. Scored some 12 packs for $3.99 the other day. I bought 25 of them.


always funny seeing americans complain about food/beverage prices. never been to usa myself but brother went there last year and his first comment was how cheap all the food was




Now do health care.


Oh I agree. I wasn’t meaning to suggest utopia. Very dystopian actually. It is just interesting how weird a lot of the pricing of things is in the USA. I can only speak anecdotally but it does just seem odd (and unique relative to other developed countries) in what things are insanely expensive (education, healthcare) and cheap (cars, fuel [relatively], food, a lot of consumer goods, movie tickets, housing in some areas). Dystopia comes from what is expensive and what isn’t, also the crazy spread between working class and middle class wages




For caffeine-free diet coke lol

Just to be clear I’m chuckling in caffeine-free soda solidarity.

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It’s called Coke and the question is just what kind.

publix does this thing particularly on soda where they increase the price by a bunch, but run BOGO on them consistently…

i drink a lot of diet pepsi, and when i visit family in florida the publix has pretty much always had it at almost double the cost i normally pay where i live, but bogo…

Same with soda water.

Textbook price discrimination. Consumers who gaf what brand of coke/soda water they drink are willing to pay a premium. Consumers who dgaf are more price sensitive and will be offput by $8/12 pack, potential avoid buying or go to another store. So you alternate which brand you put on sale. The gaf consumers pay $8/12 pack half the time and $4 the other half, the dgaf consumers pay $4 all the time, average revenue $5/12 pack.

Just bought 3 12pks of Coke Zero vanilla for 15$ @ the local super. That’s sale price, but they are on sale about every 3rd week.

you could also just not drink soda. as someone who quit carbonated sugar water on dentist advice, i have to say it was really easy to just stop ordering and buying it. probably easier than quitting eggs would be for me. every once in awhile a 4-egg breakfast hits the spot.

I need carbonation, so I switched to fizzy water. Unfortunately, that’s still expensive.

Did you do the math on getting one of those machines and making it at home? I’ve looked into those, I enjoy a fizzy water with my espresso.

I love that everyone calls it fizzy water. Such a silly name for a drink trying so hard to be serious.