2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

Sure there is. The New Deal made life better. Obamacare has made life better overall. Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps. The whole key is to keep people stable enough that they don’t want to destroy the government.

I’m all for making life better for the poor. I’m willing to pay more taxes and make other sacrifices if I think they’ll actually work. But I’d rather not risk being sent to the killing fields by the whatever-utopia that replaces our current system of government.

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Do you really think there’s no risk if we stay on the current path?

Just checked in on a left-leaning non-political online community and egg prices are a topic of discussion there.

Well there is plenty to be legitimately outraged about, but they like all that stuff.

You could have said the same pretty much any time since the U.S. was founded. We’ve made it this far.

The level of social services and safety nets in the US right now wouldn’t even be recognizable to someone from 100 years ago. They would think a socialist revolution must have won. Incremental change does happen, especially in a democracy. Just do what Scandinavia does. They’re like 50 years ahead of us at all times.

The much much bigger problem imo is that we (first-worlders) aren’t living remotely sustainably as a global society, and climate change is going to wreak havoc. If you want to talk revolution over that for the sake of our grandkids, that’s a much better reason than the price of eggs imo. The only answer to the price of eggs seems to be more factory farms.

You can’t simultaneously be genuinely interested in the price of eggs and

That’s why Dems haven’t cared too much about abolishing the filibuster.

baby formula crisis is still going on btw (according to my SIL who has been relying on formula to feed my nephew throughout the crisis), it just didn’t move the needle past the election, so they moved onto something else.

whoever said further up that sustainable eggs are driving cost up and avian flu is a factor has those two backwards in terms of impacts. avian flu is what’s driving 80% of the increase, and sustainable production is just a factor as it is exposed more to the cost of labor.

Just asked my sister-in-law. She was not aware of the avian flu, so there’s a clear messaging problem where Dems aren’t doing enough to tell people it’s not just inflation.

Live look at Casa LFS:


Messaging is worthless unless conservative media and influencers pick it up. MSM already does a lot to explain inflation.

You still need messaging for maintenance among non-conservative voters.

you are not going to make conservtives talk about what you want to talk about. there is a countermessaging problem, but all of that depends on what to spend the public’s attention on. like, the fascists are going to happily set fire to reichstag while we nerd out about hidden costs of an ovo diet.

My gf said to me the other day that weed has gotten so cheap she doesn’t worry about how inefficient it is to smoke joints.


We basically have 3 groups in this country. Democrats, Republicans and people who think the game is stupid.

Just checked at a local Publix (not “my” Publix, just where I happened to be) and eggs are about 45 cents each.

What’s really increased in price is soda. Non-sale price of a Coke Zero 12 pack is around 9 bucks now.


People still drink pop that aren’t teenagers?

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No one drinks pop but yes some still drink soda


Pop went up a bit in Canada in the past few years, maybe 10%? not more than 20% for sure. $9 (USD too!) for a 12 pack sounds insane from a large store, maybe as a gas station price it could be about right.

Eggs same thing, used to pay $3.29CAD for 12 regular large eggs pre-covid and now it’s $3.69 for the same ones

2 pitchers for lunch today!

And it’s called pop.

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