2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I really don’t eat eggs, so the price is more or less a mystery to me. But given all that it would seem to take to get an egg to market, expecting an egg to cost a little more than a dime seems crazy to me. Maybe if I were a high-volume egg buyer and got accustomed to it, then I’d feel differently.

The most expensive eggs in my Canadian grocery store are $6.69 in Canadian dollars. Maybe it’s SOCIALISM that means I can’t find $10/dozen eggs. I feel oppressed.

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I don’t even know who these people are. I love eggs, but even I don’t eat them every single day. Eggs are a regular part of my diet but we probably top out at a dozen eggs per week.

Do suburban American families sit down and eat 3 eggs each at breakfast burning through a dozen a day? On the one hand that feels crazy, on the other hand I wouldn’t be surprised.

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Eating more eggs was a way for me to eat healthier than I was before.

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I eat two eggs just about every day. So does my 14 year old. My wife has one every couple of days. She also bakes a lot and lately has gotten into making quiche.

We go through a lot of eggs.


The legitimately organic free range eggs are $1 per egg at my Whole Foods.

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Are you ready to overthrow democracy over the price of eggs yet? Because I’m told real people are hurting right now, and it’s just a matter of time.

I was curious, so I checked my receipt: I paid $8.89 for two dozen pastured eggs at Costco yesterday.

Indifference to the difficulties caused by the rise in the price of eggs is a real “let them eat cake” moment.


I’m channeling the right wing nutjobs on twitter who act like revolution is inevitable right now because of egg prices.

It was gas prices, and before that baby formula. Now it’s eggs.

It will be orange juice or something when the avian flu supply crunch passes. Whatever price is spiking at the moment has people one bad day away from violent revolution.

Nevermind record low unemployment. That’s just because people are working two jobs to pay for eggs. Also what about the labor participation rate? Also it’s a lie and you know it. Trump unemployment was better. If unemployment was so great why would Tucker make me so angry every night?

If I remember the cost per gram of protein graph correctly, then it sounds more like a “let them eat chicken” moment, if you ask me.

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The neighborhood caviar shop is charging $830 for an ounce of Beluga, so I’ve had to cut back my egg consumption


Yeah, that’s what I was getting at. Eggs are good, I love 'em, I just can’t imagine that the price of eggs is the Last Straw that is destroying household budgets because Democrats hate Real Americans. My sense is that this is just the Next Thing To Be Outraged About for people that are literally addicted to their outrage and need a new hit every once in a while.

Eggs at least make more sense that gas stoves, which appear to have a low usage rate among the Republican base

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From what I’ve read, the Depression at 30% unemployment was legit close to socialist revolution - which instigated the CCC, TVA, New Deal, etc.

If an environment where pretty much anyone who wants a job can get one is close to bloody revolution over eggs, we are totally fucked in the next actual recession.

yeah, of course it’s the flavor of the month outrage… but it’s one of the few flavor of the month outrages that is actually backed up by reality. eggs have more than doubled in price over the last year. and you can tell it’s flavor of the month because this has been steadily rising for at least a year and a half and most people simply haven’t even noticed until recently when it became an issue to bitch about.

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This is why I say we need a scenario worse than the Great Depression to build the political will to do the the more anti-capitalist leftward things that we want.

That or fascist. Could go either way.

There’s a real boy who cried wolf risk here where we ignore them when they are outraged about something legitimate.

Which is why eDems are desperate to preserve the status quo.

There’s no risk-free path to making the world better.

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