2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

I make almond butter in the Vitamix, it’s super easy. If you eat enough nut butter it’ll pay for the Vitamix eventually since store-bought is so expensive.

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It was quick and dirty for my personal use. Chkn (chicken) overlaps with Lntl (lentils).

The point is, if you are concerned about carbs, as maybe you should be if you are diabetic or worried about becoming diabetic, and also trying to lose weight, which you probably are if you’re in that group of people, and also want to exclude the more expensive options, which now includes eggs (chart is a year old and they’ve more than doubled in price), then you have few choices left. Chicken is ok but not lentils even though they’re cheap and not too calorie dense.

Not that this has anything to do with why MAGA is all over eggs right now. A year from now it might be gas prices again. Or something else.

That seems like a great option. I browse that isle at Costco but PB is what I get cause it’s cheap. Hard to get peanuts for that price.

I’m going to market a meat-based substitute for lentils called Lntl.

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Be sure to hire a graphic artist/data scientist for your chart construction needs!

Do you use 100% almonds or do you add anything else?

Also when you say “nut butter” is it true for peanut butter also?

I like my almond butter super-thick so I actually add some maca powder, I also think it enhances the flavor. But I’ve made it 100% natural, and have also tried adding a little coconut oil. Just a matter of preference. I get the almonds at Costco and toast them a bit before blending. It’s important to let them cool before blending or it gets super hot and can actually damage the blender.

I have not made peanut butter, but it is my understanding that it’s just as easy.

I meant “Is making home-made peanut butter cheaper than buying store bought?” Peanut butter seems by far the cheapest nut butter.

I’m not sure, but peanut butter is pretty cheap to begin with. Good almond butter can be super expensive.

That will always seem weird to me. I lived a lot of my childhood outside the US and almond butter was just there on the shelf next to the peanut butter and if it was more expensive, it wasn’t much difference. My mom bought it sometimes for variety, but I always liked peanut better.

I guess it might not have been good almond butter. Although, I’m not sure I could tell the difference.

Almonds have gotten much more expensive over the last 10+ years. I know demand went way up. But also I think almonds are a pretty labor- and water-intensive crop compared to peanuts, and most almonds come from California where those costs have risen considerably.


I swear the P2B stuff is good but the comparison pic is not doing me any favors.

Seems grainy

Replace most with all. Something like 99.5% of all of the worlds almonds consumption comes from California almonds. Its actually a huge driving force in the CA droughts.

I’m assuming this is hyperbole. According to wikipedia CA produces over half the world’s almonds and the entire United States accounts for 57% of the world’s production.

And what’s the deal with airline peanuts?


I haven’t had them in a while, but I think Costco sells some almonds from Spain. I remember them being pretty good.

Lazy beggars asking for free stuff. Hopefully you’ll remind them that this is a bootstrap economy and if you’re too poor to afford something, you either have to work to earn it or do without.

I mean agricultural is a factor in CA droughts, but the main issue seems to be lack of rain over the last 1-2 decades. We’re finally having a big rain season, maybe record breaking.

Finally went to check on the status of eggs in my expensive liberal hellscape of a city. I could only find one with a price point nearing $10/dozen at $9.49 and those were completely sold out. There were plenty of other options at significantly lower prices however, including the $6.49/18 that I purchased. You could probably find those $10/dozen at a whole foods or something I guess.

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