2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

Point is, it’s not necessary for them to be. It’s really easy to not eat them for breakfast every morning (which it seems people apparently do…this is not an experience I’ve had at any point in my life, so i don’t know. I usually have cereal or a bagel or nothing), and they are easily replaced in recipes, in many cases by things that are cheaper than eggs are now.

If eggs are a staple, that means they’re (or they have been) easy. I am saying it’s easy for them NOT to be a staple. I understand it’s a mindset thing. But people would rather complain about the price of eggs and insist that they need them rather than opening their minds and looking for alternatives/replacements. Human nature, I guess.

Not that this accounts for many of the complainers, but if you want or need to be on a low carb diet, the options are fewer.

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It’s oddly comforting that we’re back to “tan suit” level nonsense in riling up the RW base.

I’ll take “EGGS!!!” over “KILL FAUCI NOW!!!” or "HANG MIKE PENCE!!!



I know I shouldn’t take any of you seriously, but for those lurkers who might actually be wondering

No bugs anywhere.

Even that’s not bad. I did low carb for a while and I can’t stand eggs.

There are other cheap sources of protein if that’s what you’re looking for.

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A year old so ymwv.

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Real Americans eat 24 eggs per day to own the libs.

I eat sardines all the time like a boss. Eat peanut butter, peasants.



In Joe Biden’s America Cool Hand Luke would have only been able to afford 3 eggs. The Coward Of Afghanistan strikes again.


My most expensive eggs:

I tried the cool hand Luke 50 hard boiled eggs once as a wager (long time ago).
Got to 35. The 35th took longer to choke down than the previous 34 combined! There’s a limit to the solid material you can pack in there. And hard boiled eggs are solid!
I owed some money after that, but my friends did legit feel sorry for me.
Don’t try it… even if you can afford the eggs.


My concern would be the aftermath.

That’s not good either.

I’d be fine with PB all day long except for the calories.

Nut butters are amazing. Almond, cashew peanut. Its my go to on a bagel for breakfast. I don’t eat eggs because I am trying to lower my cholesterol.

It’s to the point where I legitimately cannot tell if this is real or onion. I’m serious. The article is hilarious either way, so maybe it doesn’t even matter?

I just think this time Sasha Baron Cohen has gone too far.


What is this abomination of a chart?

Edit. As far as I can tell “chicken lint” is the best option.


Since that’s an issue for you, you probably know more about this but I avoid the brands that add hydrogenated oil to keep them from separating.