2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

I think Social Security and Medicaid were exempt, so benefits weren’t cut, but staff was, slowing down the work.

But are we really in a recession when we have record low unemployment, record corporate profits, and the median wage is going up?

Our current measure of recession seems to be not having all time stock market highs, record low unemployment, and record low inflation - all at the same time.

No one is ever happy. And if they are then I’m scared because it probably means a crash is coming.


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We’re not now and with inflation it’s arguably better to have the government cut spending judiciously rather than the Fed raising rates and killing new housing builds when we need more houses.

$10/dozen eggs? Bullshit. Jonathan Long must be Doctor Oz’ gimmick.

the price of eggs is basically all anyone in my right wing town posts about on the facebook groups now.

It is really really easy to just…not eat eggs.

I hold in my hand a Costco receipt that says 2 dozen large cage-free eggs are $6.49. I know they’re more at the grocery store but come on.

I don’t like spending a lot on food but I have recently increased my egg consumption by 500%.

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yeah, i dunno where these people who are bitching are buying their eggs. Then again, i haven’t bought eggs in months, so YMMV

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I eat a shitload of eggs. Pastured, from Costco.

The move toward not literally torturing chickens so we can have cheap eggs has made them more expensive, which obviously enrages those who believe the earth is ours to mistreat however we please. Bird flu is also a factor.



The people who happily buy a new $70k truck which costs like $30k to make w/o batting an eye: ZOMG EGGS!!!

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Eggs are a staple for many households and the price is higher these days. I think LFS mostly nails it…

move toward not literally torturing chickens so we can have cheap eggs has made them more expensive

I don’t disagree we should eat drastically fewer animal products (or none!) but I do have sympathy they aren’t wrong about the price of a staple food item.

These Lets Go Brandon bumper stickers aren’t going to drive themselves around.


There was a massive outbreak of avian flu that has hurt supply recently.

yeah the avian flu wiped out something like 10s of millions of chickens over the last year.

i eat eggs fairly regularly, and was bitching about the prices rising for like the last year and a half slowly. my grocery store went from me getting an 18 pack at under 2 dollars, to most recently i payed $7.67 for the same 18 pack.

it’s gained traction because it’s so obviously notable.

This is the America that Democrats want! First they came for the omelets and I said nothing …


yeah… if it goes up any more i might start listening to tucker rants about the caravans of egg stealing migrants coming to the southern border…

They want to take your burgers too! This is the world Stalin dreamed of but never achieved!

1st post I saw on fb …

Honestly I’m one of those people. I buy local eggs from the grocery store, just doing my part to support the middle man

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Hear me out: Hardcore hens. Elon is still rich enough to buy out the entire US egg industry.