2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

Looks like all the real action is in the secret side agreement, though the rules package itself is obviously a mess.

Those jokers really stood strong against the rules!

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Closest over/under, in days, for McCarthy Speakership:

  • 100
  • 200
  • 400
  • 726
  • Other/Bastard (feel free to specify)

0 voters

Wouldnā€™t it not pass Senate and even get veoted by Biden?

Seems like the House Republicans are gonna pass a bunch of crazy far-right shit that will all get shot down by Biden or the Senate as a way to virtue signal.

Imagine if the Dems were smart enough to do that.

Tbf Iā€™m pretty sure they did do that in '19-'20 it just wasnā€™t widely reported on and went down the memory hole. Not super far left stuff but I think they passed an assault weapons ban and things along those lines for instance.

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I donā€™t think the problem will be the crazy shit they pass, itā€™ll be the normal/essential shit they donā€™t pass. Like for the US to continue meeting its debt obligations.


Itā€™s probably pretty clear but for the poll I figured

~100 days some random dispute blows him up
~200 days the debt ceiling fight is happening
~400 days is over a year and heā€™s tired of getting punched by both sides
~726 days even if Rs are still majority he also has to win another vote for Speaker



tick tick tick

Next week?

For some reason I thought we were ā€œsafeā€ until like May or something.

The debt ceiling is 100% proof the dems are in on it. They could have easily fixed this many times but simply donā€™t want it fixed. The media pretending otherwise is just knowing fraud.

Republicans have always caved. From the D perspective, itā€™s useful in proving just how unreasonable Republicans are. Dems donā€™t have incentive to change it until the government actually defaults.

Obama did cave in his cut spending for both Democrats and Republican priorities if we canā€™t cut a deal legislation.

President Obama has led the way on forcing government to live within its means through a balanced approach that protects key priorities and ensures that everyone pays their fair share. In August, President Obama signed into law a bipartisan agreement that kept our nation from defaulting and achieved significant deficit reduction, including a down payment on reform of about $1 trillion, by reducing discretionary spending to its lowest level as a share of the economy since Dwight D. Eisenhower was President while protecting critical investments critical to our long-term competitiveness. And under this agreement, Congress must pass another $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction, or trigger massive cuts to domestic and defense spending, providing an incentive for both sides to come together.

I too like to apply my breaks after colliding with something.


Iā€™m not saying their right, but the ā€œDems are in on itā€ talking point is remarkable bad.


The Sequester or whatever that thing was called where they had to cut some % from everything didnā€™t seem to be the worst outcome. Maybe weeded out some dead wood from the budget.

ā† (ducks)

Shock! All the dead wood is in healthcare and entitlements! None whatsoever in defense!


IIRC the way the sequester worked is they actually had to cut from every department across the board.

It was a very dumb idea to do during a recession though.

The dates Iā€™d seen varied and it wasnā€™t clear what milestone exactly they were talking about. The constant was that the real battle over the debt limit was coming end of June or so. Thatā€™s how long I gave McCarthy. I donā€™t think he survives that fight.