2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

They ain’t no rules yet baby!

Debate and vote is scheduled for 5 ET, fyi.

Yes, 15 times.

They’re also trying to rescind the increase in IRS funding, they’ve got priorities. It’s an effort to protect the ultra-wealthy and increase the deficit (est. $114B over 10 years), and is stupid-as-fuck so it’s on-brand. Sounds like it ultimately won’t go anywhere outside the House, which will probably become a theme here.

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But this has to do with power-sharing. Being on the fence regarding impeachment was just reading the room wrt donors/image

Mace sounded upset that FC would get disproportionate benefits from the deal. She is less likely to waffle on something they directly affects her power.

These morons want tax cheating. They all think taxes are theft.

They view government as a business and, obviously, the first move of most competent leadership teams when they enter a new business is to…fuck with the cash register that produces your revenue.

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I mean, here’s your “moderate” who is “on the fence.”


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“Can they do that?”

So its ok if I just dont do my taxes this year? Who will enforce it?

Their automated system comparing employer reported income to returns.

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So just up the deductions, got it.

The IRS hates this one weird trick


When agents are present.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated Monday that the Republican bill would lower spending by more than $71 billion and reduce revenue by nearly $186 billion, for a net increase in the budget deficit of about $114 billion over a decade.

“If they claim they want to balance the budget, it’s clear to me that this doesn’t make sense,” said Rep. Dwight Evans (D., Pa.), a Ways and Means Committee member. “This doesn’t show anything about being fiscally responsible. This is just the opposite.”

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I have a relative who worked for a large company. They were single while a lot of his coworkers were married. They all decided to max deductions to max their paychecks. It came back to bite them all in the butt, but was much easier for two household incomes to get past. We are talking like 15-20 people in the same office doing this same extremely dumb thing. And it wasn’t like they were investing it short term to pay back, it was just a bigger paycheck to spend. My relative had to spend years with a wage garnishment.

Well this was anti climatic.

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Freedom isn’t free!

Kevin likes to get all of his major disagreements out of the way on the first day