2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS




Probably BS but


Sure they will.

I am calling them out. You are cowards if you don’t resign now, and your families will hate you unless you leave!

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Fuckin loony bin

y tho.

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Maybe a couple of more repubes will leave early. Then the Ds can elect Jeffries. Otherwise they will have Johnson by the balls for a bit.

Why wait


I didn’t even know there was another NY special election

sucks the NJ-10 rep died less than a week ago. i don’t understand how NJ schedules an election for a vacancy, but i guess there’s a period of 70 days when it might happen. wonder what would happen if house became tied.


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Great job eDems!


From 2014 to 2021, Cuellar and his wife accepted nearly $600,000 in bribes from an Azerbaijan-controlled energy company and a bank in Mexico, and in exchange, Cuellar agreed to advance the interests of the country and the bank in the U.S., according to the indictment.

Among other things, Cuellar agreed to influence legislation favorable to Azerbaijan and deliver a pro-Azerbaijan speech on the floor of the U.S. House, the indictment states.

The payments to the couple went through a Texas-based shell company owned by Imelda Cuellar and two of the couple’s children, according to the indictment. That company received payments from the Azerbaijan energy company of $25,000 per month under a “sham contract,” purportedly in exchange for unspecified strategic consulting and advising services.

“In reality, the contract was a sham used to disguise and legitimate the corrupt agreement between Henry Cuellar and the government of Azerbaijan,” the indictment states.

Imelda Cuellar sent a falsified invoice to the Azerbaijan energy company’s Washington, D.C., office under the agreement, stating her work was complete.

“In fact, Imedla Cuellar had performed little or no legitimate work under the contract,” the indictment says.

Cuellar was at one time the co-chair of the Congressional Azerbaijan Caucus.

Oh so now it’s wrong to provide unspecified consulting services in exchange for money?

I do wonder if the Supreme Court would strike this down as they’ve been narrowing what is considered corruption.

I remembered him being shitty and went searching for posts about how everyone knew he was shitty when Cisneros was challenging him yet he was still saved by eDems, and found this one:

You nailed it


i think i remember pelosi personally went down there to campaign for him against cisneros in the primary. “something something proven winner”


After holding up aid for weeks the House GOP sent this

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2022 runoff

He beat her 52-48 in 2020.

Good news for 2024! No challenger for him in the primary.

Vote blue no matter who

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I would still vote Cuellar over any Republican.