2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

They kind of hinted at this when they tried to tear the place down.





You know you are innocent when you bust out the “but everyone is bad” defence.


This would ring less hollow if he said it when first taking office not on the eve of him being in trouble. Sorry George.

He’s basically stealing Eddie Murphy’s bit from “The Distinguished Gentleman”…

Didn’t see it but i assume there is a happy ending.

A resolution. Now we’re getting somewhere. Oh wait, a resolution for a vote. Introduced by a Democrat. NM


The House has voted to expel New York Republican Rep. George Santos over ethics violations, making him only the sixth lawmaker ever to be kicked out of the chamber.

The resolution required a two-thirds majority vote to succeed. House Speaker Mike Johnson announced that 311 members of the House voted to expel Santos, including 105 Republicans. Another 114 voted against the expulsion, with two members recording them selves “present.”

All four top House GOP leaders, including Johnson, voted to keep Santos in Congress.

Santos is the first member of Congress to be expelled since the Civil War who wasn’t first convicted of a felony.

What happens next: According to a former House parliamentarian, an expulsion is administratively handled the same way as a vacancy, including death or resignation. The House clerk assumes control of the office and makes decisions on behalf of that office. They will decide how Santos’ office is cleared out, among other steps. His district office remains intact for constituent needs.

The chamber’s clerk will inform the governor of New York that there is now a vacancy in the third district of New York. It is then up to Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul to schedule a special election to replace him.

Santos has been expelled.


The writers really flubbed that storyline, unless he comes back with a score to settle or something.

Book deal? But what publisher could afford the fact-checker?

Most book publishers don’t pay for fact checking.

And while magazine journalism is usually thoroughly factchecked by a third party, “books are almost NEVER fact checked,” science writer and former factchecker Erin Biba said on Twitter (though she notes in a follow-up email that technically, her tweet itself hasn’t been factchecked). “Publishers don’t pay to factcheck books so writers have to pay out of their own pockets and that’s rarely possible.


“On a fundamental level, a publisher has to trust that authors will perform due diligence when it comes to verifying and sourcing facts, and that they will not knowingly misrepresent events or individuals in their work,” explains Hannah Wood, an editor who has worked in publishing industry since 2008. “This is the essence of the author warranties and indemnities section of a contract. Boilerplate language varies, but it generally affirms that the work is original, that it’s not libelous and that it’s accurate.”

So they’re just hoping they can get their money back if it turns out the author is FOS like Mark Meadows.

It’s even more depressing that this is also the basic model of most journalism, even places like the NYT do a lot of “Person X says Y” reporting and its technically correct* that Person X said Y, but there’s hardly any effort to evaluate if Y is true. Even when Y is incendiary and very unlikely to be true.


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I stand corrected. I thought there was we close to zero chance of this happening.


“Police say”


He just went too far. You’re expected to grift a little here and there, but being a clown about it just draws heat on all them. Remember that nothing describes America as accurately as the Sopranos. He’s lucky that all that’s happening is that he’s getting kicked out.

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[censored] OOT