2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

It’s his son Jack who was 17 at the time of the interview. Mike Johnson is for sure a weirdo but the quote from the RS article this is all based on was just him bragging that his kid wasn’t watching porn, seems like a waste to focus on this when there’s the financial stuff.

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He bragged that his kid has a clean record, but they are watching each other and he never bragged about having a clean record of his own…

What is this two step funding plan bullshit?

how many scaramucci’s is he going to last?

He might have some staying power because he’s part of the Council for National Policy. That’s a right wing conservative organization that’s largely responsible for the bankrolling of the Federalist Society judge project and is considered a major force behind the Supreme Court we have today, along with being a major player that got right wing religious non-voters to vote as the most reliable bloc of voters starting around 1980. A lot of the world we live in is a direct result of this group and/or its members efforts to turn the country hard right.

Wikipedia gives a good laundry list of members, but you can also find the membership directory online. He basically came out of nowhere to get Speaker and isn’t facing anywhere near the kind of resistance McCarthy did when doing some of the same things. His ascension very well may have something to do with the CNP wanting to pull more levers or to rein people in.

I second-guessed myself about whether he was a member of the organization (could have sworn I found this out during the impeachment hearings he was a part of) because I didn’t find his name in the membership directory I have or in one other one I saw. I found a New Republic article that was done after he became Speaker that said he’s been a part of the organization since at least 2012, but it almost seems like he’s trying to hide it now. I may have seen his name in a different list, but I thought it was surprising this guy ended up getting Speaker out of nowhere, but not surprising that it happened because of the organization he’s involved with.

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So one thing to consider is that this guy was willing to go along with Trump stealing the election so the freedom fascists might just want to keep in power for any election shenanigans.

Also, I don’t know if we’re there yet, but there will come a point where D’s vote against the motion to vacate just to avoid the process of putting in a new speaker… Let whoever has the job stay in place a while longer in exchange for passing the few pieces of legislation that have to get done and then just run out the clock until the 2024 elections.

Mike Johnson sounds like he is never making a deal like that.


Yeah, idk about Gaetz unless this is McCarthy’s revenge. I thought he’d get got by DoJ but it all faded to nothing. Not going to hold my breath now but not throwing away all hope either.

Santos has announced he won’t seek re-election.

From May 2023 article on what happens if Santos resigns or is booted.

What Happens If George Santos Resigns?

Under the House Vacancy Clause in the U.S. Constitution, states have “Executive Authority” to hold a special election if a seat in the House becomes vacant. Each state can determine its own timing and circumstances of the election. In the state of New York, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul would have 10 days to call a special election to replace Santos, which would have to be held 70 to 80 days from the date of that proclamation – if Santos resigns this year, during the first session of a Congress.

If Santos resigns during the second session of Congress, the amount of time between the vacancy and the next general election would play a role. Unlike the Seventeenth Amendment, which allows states to temporarily fill a vacant Senate seat before a special election is held, the House Vacancy Clause does not give states the same power in the House.

Since 1977, the state of New York has had 13 vacancies in the House: 11 were resignations, one was a death and another vacancy was due to a lack of a Certificate of Election (because the race was too close to call,) according to historical records.

Not under his current identity. But get ready for totally different candidate Don Incognito.

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Imagine thinking there is a 0.01% of this happening.

Might as well tweet, “ word on the hill is Godzilla and a leprechaun have been chained up together below the capital and their love child, the lepzilla, will be appointed speaker this week”.

So you’re saying there’s a chance.





Doesn’t that make him appear rather normal compared to his other antics?

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