2022 World Series of Poker - Commonwealth goes on a heater

I am definitely cheering for Lefty now.

Making them play infinite hours to the ft is ridiculous. Its 4:30 am

I think they should have stopped it a couple of hours ago. There is a day off before the FT and I think they could have simply played on the scheduled day off. But maybe there are some TV production scheduling limitations that are making them play til the FT now.

They are going to be playing at least a couple more hours to reach the FT.

Ya this is so dumb. Decisions matter most right now and nobody is playing well.

Stamina is a skill.
15 years ago some stars tourneys ran 24+h.
Play or die.

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Ya those WCOOP tourneys back in the day were single day marathons.

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Kunze was chipleader with 16 and went out 14th. Ouch…

Wow they are still playing and still have to lose 4 more? It’s always bad on day 7 but this seems a bit much.

Yea but these guys have played ~11am-1am for 7 days prior. And the last day or two the pressure and concentration level takes a toll.

Ill take “Person just out of journalism school for $1200,” Alex

Right that’s the thing. Counter intuitively, you’d rather call it off for 50bb than for 5bb. Sitting on 100bb at that point instead of 50bb does significantly increase your chances of a deep run, 10bb vs 5bb not so much.

I was once all-in covered on the stone bubble of the Main for 105bb, so like a 212bb pot. AA vs AA. He was a sicko capable of having a bluff so I 4b small so he could go for it.

I think in Final Table spots, people are way more likely to contort themselves into making awful plays because “ICM SAID SO” without factoring in that the upside of winning chips in those spots gives you a massive amount more equity to win the tournament.

This bubble spot is pretty close because by folding you’re 100% to make the money, which is $15k. Your finishing place distribution isn’t that much different with 11.5bb vs. 25bb post bubble, so I lean fold in that spot.

I was assuming it’s the result of an automated system where the HH is entered with like “player1” and “player2” and then the names are plugged in to generate the copy. :man_shrugging:

Yeah youre probably right. In fact one of the earlier things I remmeber learning in journalism classes is how to tackle reporting about individuals with the same last name. This would be a great example of the Donny Don’t side of things.

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thought they should’ve played another hour the night before there were too many people left to play to 9 without it taking forever but the day off is so people can get their friends/family to come rail.

Friend of mine from the home game I play is 3rd in chips with 9 players left of the 777 event. Yes, he’s the dorky Jack in the Box guy, but he’s legit had a great series so far. Not even sure it’ll be streamed, so I guess I’ll be hitting F5 on the wsop site.



No idea how he finds a fold there. Feel like it can’t be correct given how much of Farnes’s value range is chopping.

I can’t find a fold there either - it’s one of those folds that looks good but I’m really struggling to see how it’s correct. Knowing the cards, obviously, but damn dude that’s either some sicko shit or scared money shit.

I’ve been playing double up SNG’s to practice my ICM stuff and I do find KK+ folds way more often than I thought I would. pretty sure they’re correct too.

I said call but I also think it’s closer than a lot of you think it is. A lot depends on how many people are shorter than you which is hard to know