2022 World Series of Poker - Commonwealth goes on a heater

I thought this too and it makes hellmuth look a little better - but even then, there is absolutely nothing standard about that river call. The villain is representing exactly what he has or total air. There’s virtually no hand worse than 2 pair doing this. If 3 bet pot, 12k is still pretty likely to be over half the pot bet - does anyone ever raise with worse there given how the action played out? AQ played like an insane person maybe? missed flush draw thinking ph was trying to steal?

if he was planning a c/r on the turn, that’s more understandable, but that’s such a silly spot for a c/r too. If the preflop was 3 bet, and he flats with KK, that’s totally standard bvb, if a bit tricky. Almost none of the rest of it is standard unless I’m way way behind the times here. That looks completely misplayed other than the river bet, lol.

the reason PH gets in spots like this and can’t tell if his opponent has QQ or 33 or any random hand at all is because he takes these weird lines that allow his opponents to have a massive range and draw against him. and then he loses and cries about it. it’s infuriating.

I watched a HH review webinar yesterday where the student checked the nut straight OTR and the opponent checked back. The pro said something like “OMG WTF are doing checking here? You just HAVE to bet here. Must be taking advice from Phil again”. I loled.


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Sounds like things were shut down in Paris for a while? I’ve seen two explanations. One was fake chips/money. The other was that cameras were down and they stop everything when that happens.




I’ve playing in Paris since noon with no stoppages. There are rumors flying, though.

We’ve heard:

Surveillance system was down, gaming made them pause til it rebooted, nothing else happened.

Counterfeit money was used at the cage, gaming made them freeze, all is well. (Makes minimal sense)

Counterfeit chips were snuck in to an event, gaming made them freeze, it’s resolved.

Extra chips snuck into the Main by Scotty Nguyen, who is still playing.

Isnt cheating a casino a fucking felony in Nevada? How the fuck does he get away with that?

Fuck, every major pro from 2003 is a fucking criminal

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He’s only cheating the other players - not the casino, so they don’t care as much.


Well if you read the replies to that tweet it sounds like he only tried to cheat. After they mentioned going to the cameras (or something like that) he “found” the missing chips, so it’s all good, baby.

Either cheating or too drunk to remember the rules and too drunk to remember he puts the chips in his pocket.

Tbf im totally fine with scotty starting with 2x starting stack. Should be the norm to begin with. Show the man some respect


he’s exercising his royal prerogative as the prince of poker


Down to one horse. :grimacing:

are these pros you’ve staked? friends? do you stake cash too? Sorry, been looking into this, a bit curious. if you don’t feel comfortable answering or would rather talk offline that’s fine too, you’ve mentioned it a bunch of times now though and I have to ask.

All semi-pros but all friends too. Very serious players with a winning record. I have staked cash games a few times as well but special circumstances like a chance to play on Poker in America.

Zero horses. :cry:

It’s better EV to play cash in Florida or Texas during the series. Since you’re there, it’s better EV to play cash than tournaments. Loldonkaments always and forever.

That sucks

My buddy is in about as good a position as you could possibly be in early on Day 3, 570k at 1.5k/3k


Moneymaker might be the best person in the history of poker