2022 World Series of Poker - Commonwealth goes on a heater

Classic verbal tell in that hand history.

I’ll bite. What’s the tell?

Oh shit…I used to hang with Jeff Frerichs. Had my wedding at his house. Hope he goes long.

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Players are usually truthful when they say what they don’t have and they are unlikely to eliminate strong hands from their range if they are bluffing.

I think there was a hand in HSP V1 where Mike Matusow gives away that he has a monster by denying he had other strong hands.

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that PH hand is so badly played hoooooooly shit

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It just says blind vs blind. Try to figure out which blind Hellmuth was in and what the preflop betting looked like.

Given that he put the guy on 33 possibly, I’m pretty sure it was not a 4bet pot. I think Phil opened the SB, this guy called in the BB, Phil x/c, turn went x/x, and Phil led big, probably around the size of the pot or an overbet, and this guy raised. Otherwise you’ve got this guy calling a 3bet and donking that flop w/ A5cc, which is super weird.

that’s exactly what i think happened lol

Your guess is what I consider most likely.

Another possibility is that Hellmuth opens, villain 3bets, Phil just calls to trap. BB bets small on the flop and Phil calls, expecting him to bomb the turn, but it checks through.

A buddy of mine is bagging 520k after day 2A. Returning to 1k/2.5k blinds on Day 3 Saturday.

He got 90th place 3 years ago for ~$81k.

Sadly, I don’t have a piece of him. But he’s a crusher and I’m definitely rooting for him!

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3 horses left ranging from 25-40bb. Need some run good.

Oh good, Fat Vader is here.

I mean, he looks fatter than this Vader there.

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Why does he have a sword?

3 days off from what? Scamming people through crypto?

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I doubt he understands crypto enough to know he is scamming people.

Last year, I played with Hellmuth and a guy who was some sort of crypto advisor. Hellmuth tried to pretend he knew what the guy was talking about, all while wearing his Bitcoin Latinum hat. I didn’t know much about crypto (still don’t), but I could tell I knew more than Hellmuth. He just believes what the people handing him money tell him.

That’s when I found out first-hand that Hellmuth is an atrocious razz player from a mathematical perspective, but seemed to be able to read when he was drawing live against a better board that might have him board-locked.

Helmuth once called me a “stupid fucking northern European kid” at a wsop event. I’m from Ohio.


I’d be very confident the Hellmuth hand was he opened and villain 3b from BB bvb.

Rest of hand is fairly standard.

The JT hand from way above is fairly badly played by both IMO if board was JJ5r. JJ5 two suit is not as bad but still questionable.

This is the poker equivalent of being blessed by the pope


I hope you had a funny reply.