2022 World Series of Poker - Commonwealth goes on a heater

he wasn’t thinking beyond QQ is probably good raise, then oh shit

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I’m proud to say I’ve busted out of my last 3 big tournaments because I had his exact same hand and board against a set or bigger pair, I’d never make this fold! someone stake me for 2023 main

worst stream ever.

feature table is probably playing so much slower than the other tables, their chip stacks are falling behind.

Ya looks like just the one huge stack and all the short stacks. A really good set up for the big stack.


Do you
  • Call
  • Fold
0 voters

One year I had 3bb on the bubble of the main event. It was opened in front of me and I had AKs. I folded.

If you’re a pro you should never even tweet that you considered folding there.

If you’re a rec/player who got in cheap via satellite whatever. You’re not winning, you can say you cashed who cares.

A pro not playing to win the main event is pathetic.

It’s probably closer than you think. Not because she’s behind, just icm/bubble considerations.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it’s an ICM fold. I’d probably call but I’d think about it, and if CO was abusing the bubble I’d call. If they were scared of the bubble it’s super close but probably a fold. If they are playing normally I think it’s a call but close.

Off a shorter stack it becomes an easier fold because the double up doesn’t increase your chances of doing anything but mincashing very much. That may still be the case here tbh.

That seems reasonable with such a tiny stack.

Yea and bigger stack it’s a more obvious call.

The replies from notable players are interesting:





Sure, and you’re usually ~30% more than 80 or 85 which obviously isn’t great, but I’d much rather fold and make up that I had AJo then ever admit to folding KK here.


“I doubt even AA is a call.”

LOL. Donkament guys are just looking for excuses to make ridiculous plays like this so they can say “aha my good sir, have you considered the independent chip model?” Until you produce an actual calculation that justifies it, stfu about folding 85% equity so that you’re like less than 15% more likely to min cash.


I mean in the scenario in question you’re guaranteed to be able to fold into the money. The real question is how much do your chances of a big score go up with a double.

Table dynamics matter, because there are certain scenarios where the original raiser is heavily weighted towards the nuts.

Looking at it, it’s closer than I thought, starting stack is still 7.5bb. If the first raiser folds, hero has ~75% equity for a 26bb pot, they’re at 4k/8k so that’s ~$26k EV, if you fold you’ve got $15k+ whatever extra you can get with your 11bbs. Straight $EV it’s close and the % of opener range that is AA might swing it either way.

If you are actually a solid favorite over the remaining players in the event, those chips have extra value though.

Lol clicked fold on that poll by accident (on phone) and am actually really surprised that everyone said call.

EDIT: I hadn’t made up my mind yet, but for me, a casual, I lean fold. Mincash vs. nothing is huge for me and doubling or tripling up doesn’t improve my chances of a really deep run that much.

We’re not here to nit it up on UP either in poker or in having internecine conflicts

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