2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

“Purple voters” are not voting democrat. Comeon now


yeah I’m not exactly on team pete but FFS if the choices are him or joe I know what way I’m clicking that radio button.

Pete is so commited to the Disney grooming agenda that he and his gay lover stole some kids from their rightful mother to indoctrinate them into the gay lifestyle.


I think being gay massively hurts Pete in a general. More than most people think. Lots of homophobia out there still. I’m sure most acknowledge it but underestimate how big an issue it will be.

The fact that it is plausible that he could win a nomination is certainly progress, but we’re not a mission accomplished yet.

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in hs, my social studies teacher pretty emphatically posited that a black man would get elected before a white woman. i’m projecting what he would say about a gay man president, but i feel like he’d still wager on a gay man over a woman. although since the campaigns of 2016 and 2020, a woman on the ticket wouldn’t be such a novelty for the voters.

this plus being a mckinsey ghoul


There are a variety of problems to choose from. For a lot of people it will be the gay thing.

The people who won’t vote for a gay dude in 2022 aren’t persuadable voters that the Dems should worry about.


Lol and we say the MAGAts are in a bubble.

Of people who actually vote, my estimate is that less than 1% know what that means, and only half of that actually care.

ETA: this was in response to pvn


I’m sure there are definitely people out there who didn’t like Trump, so they voted for Biden. But Pete would have been a bridge too far, because of the gay thing.

Not a lot of people, but in key states the margins are razor thin.

Again Pete may be the “best” of available democrats but only in the context of the entire party systematically crushing any actually good candidates.

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“If we appeal to the reasonable Republicans it will be literally impossible to lose.”

They still fucking think this.

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85 posts were split to a new topic: Debating proper baby picture etiquette

Have we done a ‘could I run for office’ thread about the users on this site?

I’m just a dumb asshole looking to post memes for hearts, future president?

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Pretty sure the average user here is john fetterman minus, I hope, the yelling at black people part

So, how bout those midterms?

@moderators can we please excise Pete talk to a Pete thread? Thanks :)


I mean, I’m sure they’re going to be staged and unnatural because everyone knows that brides and grooms stand parallel to each other, and not perpendicular. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are both men.

Surf found the one pic where the parents didn’t actually look at the baby. Which one is staged (lol)?

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Dems are 100% going to run on more money for police