2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

The most politician of all the politicians will not play well against Ron “man of the people” deSantis.

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You’re right, he’s very good on many policies, but oh my lord he is so unlikeable in so many ways. I don’t even really give a shit about the French Laundry incident, but people in general certainly do. He is just so smarmy.

Back when Eric Garcetti was a LA city councilman I was like “this guy is going to be president”, but now he can’t even get confirmed as ambassador to India. No idea what happens to him next.

After El Paso shooting, Trump pushed again on gun control. His aides talked him out of it. https://nyti.ms/3Nw67s6

Even Trump knows this shit is ridiculous

Seriously though, what are some other options. Ancient Joe Biden, Ancient Sanders, Beto the loser, “fund the police with everything” Harris?

Smarminess aside, in terms of actual policy, he’s the best shot we have at at least someone leaning further left than standard Edem rhetoric

The problem for Democrats is that their likely best candidates for a Presidential election are the boring people that can never make a big enough splash in a Primary. And there are just too many of them that people just gravitate away from the Amy Klobuchars and Chris Murphys of the world and to the centrist with the most name recognition (Hillary and Biden)

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i look forward to gilfoyle telling the nation about newsom’s junk

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This. Newsom is like a politician made in a laboratory from a Ken doll. He was the guest on (I believe) the Daily Show when he was still mayor. He already had all the cliché politician hand gestures, intonations and phrases down pat. At that point I was already sure that he had his heart set on the White House and he was already campaigning for it.


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The fact I didn’t even consider Pete says a lot


The Cisneros/Cueller race is going to a recount. Got a a fund raising email today for her teams recount effort. Anybody know enough about that district to know if there is a non zero shot the recount flips in her favor? Apparently there are still mail ballots to count as well?

that extremely online folks like us have no idea what the average voter thinks?

older, but relevant



international relations…shows a lot of trust




yeah, i wasn’t gonna say anything, but then you went and tagged me and I brought receipts


Pete “People Like Their Insurance” Buttigieg, yea that’s gonna be a pass from me dawg

Sure but US politics is a perpetual trolley problem. If you don’t pull the lever for Pete then you get DeSantis. Yay.

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Oh no, then we might get a bunch of money for our military and shitty healthcare and kids in cages and no progress on gun control

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That would really suck.


Most of the damage being done to America is at the state government level. It’s just that the big stories that take front page are the SCOTUS decisions.

go ahead and nominate mayo pete, then let me know what his approval rating is after you get 200 news cycles of Fox news telling boomers that he’s a radical CRT-teaching socialist.


Yes he’s obviously got the best combo of name recognition + not getting targeted by the outrage machine.


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