2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

This is an ad from the Democratic Governors Association nominally complaining that a Republican primary candidate is too conservative. Given that he’s running in the primary, you can guess what the actual purpose of the ad is.

I don’t hate it.

At least they are trying, which isn’t always a given.

Looking forward to the shitshow as democracy continues to crumble

Bring on the Mehmet

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Imagine being a Bridgewater hedge fund big swinging dick and losing to that guy.

I’m not sure which is worse.

Imagine being a yuuuge TV celebrity doctor and losing to that guy.

I think Fetterman will win easily and the Dems will lose the Senate and they will still learn nothing.

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Is Doctor Oz dodging some incoming sexual harassment scandal or something?

Guy was killing it on TV financially but chooses to be a senator instead? What a weirdo.

People with giant egos do stuff like this all the time. No matter what they do it drives them crazy that people don’t “respect” them enough or whatever, and they keep chasing more highs by doing stuff to “prove” how great they are. He might have the same kind of obsession as Donnie Dumb Dumb, being constantly haunted by how actual NY city insiders and power brokers look down their noses at him. It drives these guys nuts to know that the real old NY money families laugh at them behind their backs.

It’s primary day here in Iowa. The Dems went 0 for 4 on even having a candidate for any of the County government positions, and failed to run anyone for State Senator in my district too. Seriously the worst political party ever.

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In my district, it’s eDem vs. eDem

Nadler is beyond useless. I’ve never been so mad as I was watching him get absolutely steamrolled at his own committee hearings. Just a classic eDem fossil loser.



Two very different takes on the California recalls:

Lee 41%, McMuffin 37%, Don’t Know 19%

Been a long time since Bari Weiss has been trending after saying something stupid. Wonder if she’s retired. Or if we’re all just ignoring her now.

Don’t know what Persuaison is, but the thing about that quote (other rthen it is completely made up) is that people don’t generally call the police about property crime to punish the thief lol. You need to do that shit to make an insurance claim.

That may be why you can the police, but conservatives often call the police to teach black people a lesson.

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Fair enough, but even they you knew nothing would happen to the car thief, I am pretty sure you would still want to file that claim!

I am a bit of an outlier on this stuff though. For example, I am on the board of my coop. Earlier this year someone broke into our building and stole the money from the laundry room (a few hundred bucks probably). Everyone else was furious that our outdtated camera system didnt capture anything useful and immmediately wanted to spend thousands to replace it. I personally don’t understand why we want crystal clear video of some idiot stealing our money. Sounds like a bummer to watch imo!


It’s Yascha Mounk’s project. (I only know him from a podcast he was on. He favors engagement with people we disagree with.)

Persuasion is a publication and community for everyone who shares three basic convictions:

  • We seek to build a free society in which all individuals get to pursue a meaningful life irrespective of who they are.
  • We believe in the importance of the social practice of persuasion, and are determined to defend free speech and free inquiry against all its enemies.
  • We seek to persuade, rather than to mock or troll, those who disagree with us.

Persuasion is also a pretty good Jane Austen novel, if you like that sort of thing.